It depends. You can cheat yourself by using console commands. So it is a matter of do you play the games for the story or the challenge? If it is for the story, then cheat all you want.
It depends. You can cheat yourself by using console commands. So it is a matter of do you play the games for the story or the challenge? If it is for the story, then cheat all you want.
Or fun... if someone has more fun with cheats then more power to him!
Reminds me of the hitman games, I played on ps2.... Once I discovered cheat codes, I lost all enjoyment for the game.
Player set.av carryweight 999 as soon as I wake up in the vault.
After that probably nothing more the first playthrough.
how can you cheat in a single player game
sure i will use console commands to try out some things or use mods that helps your character here and there
but cheating in a single player game pppffft
Now that's something i can agree to, cheating after your first play-through.
Well you can cheat in almost every single player game they ever made pc, consoles there was codes but not anymore.
true that you can cheat in every single player game , but is it really cheating , you can make it alot easier for yourself but that just ignoring a lrage part of why we play games , to have fun and solve problems ; in the end you only cheating on yourself
Actually your cheating if you type a code in a console mode, which tgm will probably be god mode code again.
Well, I will bring my FO3/NV character over to FO4, so a few console commands would be used.
Luckily, she was not powerful when she left DC.
Believe me, it may be tempting at first to get all perks and the best armor/weapons through console cheats, but it WILL spoil your experience and make the game feel pointless in the end.
I know some people may enjoy cheating anyway, but if you are like me, who likes to work for the rewards and feel proud like you earned this, do not use cheats
I'd only be cheating myself, so no real point in that, no.
Generally no. I'll use mods to improve the graphics, kill bugs, but nothing will be added to the game and no modification of the player or others stats. I always like to play the game as intended. I played Skyrim about a 1,000 hours before I added any mods that add NPC's (Interesting NPC's mod). Even now after 1,500+ hours I've never added items or anything to the game that were specific to cheating in any way, though I have used the console to marry someone who was otherwise not marriageable, and I've leveled up my character faster to play a specific role-play, but those were well after 1,000+ hours of play.
No. I wouldn't want to simply things. I want the full experience of the game without any shortcuts
Use console commands? Probably at some point.
"Cheat"? Probably not.
TCL to get out of being stuck (or find the important loot/quest item that clipped under some furniture).
TM to turn off the menus/HUD/etc for clean screenshots
Stuff like that.
(Heh. In Skyrim, I'd use TGM to get infinite carrying capacity..... just when I wanted to craft in Whiterun. Carrying 6000lbs of crafting materials from Breezehome to the forge next door at a crawling pace, especially since my materials chest was up in the bedroom, was just tedious. I don't consider that to be "cheating". )
Let's see.... in previous games, I've spawned gear (like when an armor mod says "you can only get this gear by spawning it!" /sigh), used COC/teleport (armor mod - "this armor is in a chest in the Testing Area. Get there by using COC"; also to get to the Alexandria Library interior, when that exterior cell was crashing), and used Kill a couple times (mod again - someone had filled a dungeon in their quest mod with hordes of massive-HP-sponges that I could kill - sloooooooowly - without getting hurt. Thinning the herd down with Kill was to save my sanity. )
Yeah god mode and infinate ammo. ^ ^ V V left right left right start select on the title screen.
I dont like Light Step perk. I think the traps are an interesting gameplay element in FO and TES, so a perk that makes them completely negligable i don't find fun.
But i also like Sneaking, and with the Light Step being part of the Sneak perk-line i might just use a console command to "skip" that perk and go unto the next to continue the chain.
Not at first. But I do hope TiM will be back.
Only i am stuck in a rock/wall somewhere, i am sure good old "tcl" is still a thing.
Cheating can be a fickle grey area for me. I generally do not enjoy cheating because it ruins the game very quickly. Thats why i wait until iv'e grown bored of the game before i decide to cheat and mess around to spice the game back up for a while.
Other acceptable cheats for me are bugs as many other have mentioned. For example, I found out in The Witcher 3 that i couldn't get a certain sword unless i reloaded a save from DAYS ago. Instead of losing literally 10-20 hours of gameplay, i downloaded a mod to give me access to the console to give me the sword. Or if my character gets stuck somewhere and my last save was long ago, i use it to debug myself.
On very very rare occasions I use health or god mode cheats to defeat or get past an area that broke or ruined the game for me. (I can only die so many times attempting to do the same thing before i rage quit the game all together, forever) But doing so also ruins the satisfaction of completing or defeating someone or something on your own. So that's why i rarely ever do it.
All in all i will not cheat in FO4 until im bored of the game, save my game, give myself a million mini nukes and run around KILLING EVERYONE for fun before I quit playing.