Does this count?:
I spend too much time tweaking my appearance.
Other than that, nope. It would kill all the fun.
Does this count?:
I spend too much time tweaking my appearance.
Other than that, nope. It would kill all the fun.
jesus... you're like an alcoholic but for cheating. lol
Is there any Cheaters Anonymous forums or something you should go to once a week or something? lol
OMG, just googled "cheaters anonymous groups" and completely forgot the rest of the world thinks of cheaters as relationship cheats lol. You SHOULD TOTALLY go to like a sixaholics anonymous meeting at a church near you and totally talk about how you "cheat" all the time and find way no matter what you try, and gradually work in the fact you're cheating on your video games not your wife XD. I would PAY MONEY to see that.
Never have and never will. 1st playthrough is always as pure as can be. The guide and tips are what 2nd playthrough is for.
Only in like the most dire of situations, like say I get stuck in a rock or happens...I'd rather use a console command to unstuck myself rather than reload a save on technicality that did not involve player error or character death.
Console commands are a tool like any other, it's use or abuse varies from person to person.
Now if we wanted to talk cheating I going to remain faithful to the wife, or shag a companion...well, it depends, and it has been 200 years...
Nope, no point cheating unless I'm testing something.
The only time I ever use the console is when I'm stuck and simply have to use 'tcl' to noclip my way out of a glitched area or object... which is more often than I'd like to admit in both newer TES and Fallout games.
ummm, you can cheat? Huh, it never occurred to me that you could do that in a single player game, ...then again, who would know?
Just to give my characters their starter RP gear.
People tend to be a bit [censored] towards players that "cheat". The whole point with BGS games is that everyone plays them differently. Furthermore the games are not online, so you don't impact other people at all.
I personally will be on the hunt around release for console commands, so I can give myself perks and attributes, primarly for testing. Just play the game as you want and enjoy - oh, and remember to save a lot!
Eventually, not on my first play-through though. I'll like to see what I can do with them eventually.
1st playthrough; no cheats, or even mods. After the first play through I will probably just use the player.modavcarryweight ### console command.
edit: And mod of the heck out of it.
Oh hell yeah, definitely gonna try to nail Piper....
*fiddles with... wedding ring*
I will use the console command to up my carry weight.
Not Once! Stay the course and true to the Lone Wanderer code!
Tcl maybe if I get stuck or something, otherwise no. And I won't be offended if others choose to play with them
LOL. If I had a dollar for every time I've typed that in Skyrim.
Yeah, I'll cheat (not god-mode - which makes games rather boring - but experience, skills, maybe some weapons and ammo (hate the starting phase of RPGs were you have the crappiest equipment possible -.- (in RL you would probably die!))
greetings LAX
ps: To all who look down on cheaters - get off your damned high horse -.- (you can only look down on one kind of cheater: the one who cheats while playing online games (as that's hurting other people - if you do it offline, you at the most (not even that IMHO) hurt yourself...then again as I said, I am not making myself invincible, I am just getting rid of the tedium (scrounging for ammo etc. might be realistic in a post-apocalyptic scenario, but I play to be entertained, not to work my ass off!))