Will you be using console commands or another form of cheating? Discludes mods.
Will you be using console commands or another form of cheating? Discludes mods.
Nope, there's no fun in cheating your way through the game. Though I have used the noclip command when I've gotten stuck "jumping" on rocks while traveling in FONV and FO3.
not on first playthrough unless bugs happen that require the use of tcl or tgm.
Winners don't do drugs.
They can cheat, but they're not real winners.
I normally use console commands after the first playthrough so yes I will cheat only after ive beaten then game
The only console command I might be using is tcl, but that's obviously for if I ever get stuck somehow (It happens lol).
So basically no, no cheating at all for me.
I never cheat, not even on the 10th playthrough!!
Depends. I'll probably use god mode to carry lots of stuff when I'm not in the mood for multiple trips. If I'm about to die and I realize my last save was ages ago... depends on how much fun that part of the game was but if it was kinda boring, I'm not going to do all those things again.
Also, I don't like to call it 'cheating', it's, uhhh, divine intervention.
The only time I used console commands in Fallout 3 was to turn on no clip and kill the unfortunate enemies that somehow got stuck under floors and in walls.
I'll get through the first playthough with no cheats. After that I'll try really hard not to cheat but eventually succumb to adding caps or going on a tgm rampage at some unfortunate super mutant's base. It's a lot harder for me not to cheat when I know all the commands so well....
I would but im skipping the pc version, because i don't want to cheat ever on fallout 4.
Carry weight. I'm a hoarder and I'll be picking up everything with this new crafting system they will have.
Probably eventually, in one way or another - but nothing to a significant degree and not within the first hundred hours of gameplay or so unless it's to deal with bugs.
That's why I always get these games on console first. I have no self control when it comes to pc console commands. My favorite console command is TCL. "How do you get up there?.. oh, well, instead of actually looking for a route up, I'll just toggle clipping and fly up there."
Oh, yeah.. and carry weight. I'd definitely end up cheating my carry weight.
Modifying carry weight and stats. I have problems with selling items and I hate grinding.
I never use console commands... unless im stuck or hava a bug...
Yeah To cheat, you have to be competing... right? Like, when you say online: "I have beaten the game on hard, oh yeah im good" and you used console commands then this would be cheating.
But, if you play for your own fun then you cant be cheating... right?