# "The Burned Man Walks!"
# "Joshua Graham Lives!"
I'd also put good money on this being his face:
So, given his presence and what we know about his past, if you get the chance to slay him, will you kill him or let him live?
This is more complicated than it first sounds, particularly for NCR/House/Independent characters. The conflict comes with the old saying "...the enemy of my enemy is my friend." - Caesar's Legion supporters would no doubt love to kill the man Caesar has forbidden mention of, the man responsible for their greatest humiliation. Killing him as an NCR supporter (my main character) means you're essentially doing the Legion's bidding. Lanius spits on his name, stating that "...comparing him to any man of Caesar will only earn you a slow death". Caesar is also noticeably narked if you bring him up.
However, he was also the co-founder of an aggressive slaver organisation totally opposed to the ideals of the Republic. There should be no statute of limitations on the crimes of murder and slavery, no matter how disgraced he became with the Legion. If given the chance, I'll exact even justice, as I would for any Legionary.
So, who do you support and will you kill Graham?