hardcoe, first time, baby.
I don't know what a vanilla Bethesda game is. Oblivion I immediately installed all the realism/immersion mods, like OOO and MMM right out of the gate, and it was an experience I'll never forget. It was a tough, unforgiving world. It didn't feel like a game.
Same with FO3... I picked it up a year after release, found the realism mods, and away we went.
I don't understand the thrill in running from location to location with guns a-blazing, taking fifty shots from enemy guns, button-mashing the stimpacks like they're gummy bears, with 1500 rounds in your pack. I've watched some playthroughs on YouTube and level three characters will charge into the QuickieMart with a pistol and stand toe-to-toe with the raiders until they're all dead. That's fun?
Here's my Quickie Mart playthrough: Scout the area first, sneaking around the hills. Under cover of darkness, I pick off one or two with clean head shots. While they're on alert, I wait a little, sneak to a different position. I sneak in to loot a body that's close enough to risk. Find some ammo I desperately need. Creep back to the hills. Pick off another one. Another group of three near a car. I lob my only grenade at them. Takes down one, but the other two are injured and I get them after a firefight that has me ducking behind cover constantly. That done, I loot the bodies--don't find much other than a little bit of ammo and some armor I can't carry all at once--and head inside. I sneak in, see movement here, there, around the corner... something in the shadows... I think, OMG, this ain't going to be easy, and I try to figure out how to get a good shot on that one closest to me who's pacing back and forth. One good head shot, if only that bastard would stand still....
All that suspense, the impending feeling of danger, hoping that you're being quiet enough, hoping that the noise you hear around the corner is just one raider and not five, waiting for just the right moment to take that shot because one may be all you'll get...
I really think that people who "easy-mode" their way through these games are missing out on one of the very best gaming experiences available right now.
I remember in the Red Racer factory I missed a key shot on a ghoul, and suddenly six of them were howling and charging me and I had no choice but to run like hell, because I had no chance otherwise...
Or when I had to limp back to Megaton with a crippled leg, ducking behind rocks and sneaking across roads, trying to make my way past the roving bands of Super Mutants....
Or being damn close to running out of ammo during a firefight with the Talon Company, backing away, ducking, shooting, backing away...
With unlimited ammo, stimpacks, superhuman skills, none of these exciting moments would have happened. I think you guys are missing out.