What version of NIF format is current @ GameBryo? Niflib supports F03 and other, newer games doesn't it?
Hmm... possibly. The http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Niflib claims it is inactive and has claimed this for a very long time, but the SVN changelog lists updates as recently as August 2009. So maybe it is being updated along with the rest of their stuff. I don't honestly know. I may toss a line to Amorilia at some point to check on this.
As far as I know, though, I'm the only one actively using Niflib. My understanding is that NifSkope's manipulations of Nif's, while originally based on Niflib, have been expanded beyond where Niflib left off. But I could be wrong.
I think the OP is just mean. I am still hoping that gamesas will make the perfect game, which won't need any mods to be enjoyable. Like Morrowind, in my opinion.
I'm so naive.
Morrowind was hardly perfect, though I'll agree it was enjoyable without mods in ways that Oblivion was not. But it certainly had its share of problems, some of which Oblivion fixed (graphics, combat [somewhat]), many it didn't (combat's still not so great, character models and animations are still very weak, etc). The real issue is that the things that Morrowind did especially well (cohesion, ambience, setting), Oblivion did very poorly, which for fans of the previous title, was an extreme disappointment.
But both games benefit greatly from mods. It's simply that, from my perspective, Morrowind was a great game that could stand some improvement, while Oblivion was a boring game that can be spruced up some but nothing can be done about its overall mediocrity.
The main thing, in terms of TES5, is why this happened. If it's because of the suspected problems with the engine that I discussed earlier, then that's one thing. If it was a business decision, though... that concerns me.