» Thu May 03, 2012 12:03 am
Well, I have to consider the fact that Skyrim was nearly unplayable at points due to a bug (which I may add, is still not repaired to my knowledge) where people randomly decide to attack you, usually when trying to complete a quest. Happened to me in the Stormcloaks and twice on the MQ. I still haven't finished Skyrim because of my fear of that bug.
That said, from here, knowing nothing at all about TES VI, I will probably preorder it anyway because I love the series and its lore so damn much. Now, if in the months nearing its release they say that, for random examples of my fears, they've decided to reduce the armor system to how it was in Fallout 3, removed races I adore, will force you to play as a certain race or radically changed the combat system in a way I dislike, I may reconsider. Assuming none of those things happen, I will most likely put dibs on a copy of it. If it does something I severely dislike so badly I cannot enjoy it, I will just sell it.
As further example, I loved the first four Halo games (yes, this seems like a deviation, but it has a point), so I pre-ordered Halo: Reach. When it came out, I was severely underwhelmed by its storyline and found a few of the changes to the combat system bothersome or even downright aggravating, though I won't name them as that'd have nothing to do with my point. However, the customization system for your character, the fact that your character in the main story was the same one you created yourself, down to gender and armor accessories, better consistency in combat results, the mapbuilder and a few tweaks to the combat and weapons that brought back things I loved that had been removed in the course of the series from earlier games kept me with Reach. Later on, options were added in multiplayer to play the game more like I remembered and enjoyed it from previous titles and I was glad I had.
Point being there that if TES VI screws something up bad enough, outcry may get it fixed, and other merits of the newer title may make its shortcomings bearable. Skyrim's music, graphics and modified combat system make some of the things about it that irk me ignorable, at least until they rear their heads again. That said, I still go play Morrowind now and then, but I doubt there are many that don't.
Long story short, yes, I will pre-order TES VI. Not sure about this Elder Scrolls Online business, but this is a case of waiting and seeing if they charge you to play it more than a doubt it'll be any good.