Buying the game to play it, not watch a movie. Likewise, I won't be reading the "script" you mention either.

On a related tangent, we often get people harping for "the good old days" when games had longer playtimes. Maybe-
just maybe- games would have longer playtimes again if people stopped paying extra money for a walkthrough on release day, hmmmmm?
I don't think it would make a jot of difference, Alois.
Among my collection of secondhand CRPGs is the SSI CD compilation: Eye Of The Beholder I, II and III. In the box was also the SSI Hint Book and walkthrough for Eye Of The Beholder I. AFAIK, that Hint Book was released same time as the game.
What I think WOULD make a difference in how long games go for, is if devhouses stopped trying to make and market CRPGs at the casual console gamer.
Jenifur Charne