For some reason, I'm anxious about venturing too far into my game as I've got a feeling that Bethseda will mess something up and we'll end up having to start a new game anyway when the 1.2 patch is released.
Also, if the update fixes the texture problem on Xbox (which I play on) then I wouldn't mind seeing the game from the very beginning in it's best state, rather than the display I've been "putting up with" since buying the game.
(And I play on Xbox because all my gaming is done that way - I haven't played a game on the PC since the early 90s)
I just started over after having spent 50 hours on my first character.
Then I spent 20 hours on a mage, and now im on my 3rd character and finally nailed it and loving it.
Im already close to lvl 20 and definately do NOT feel like starting over once more.
I hope it wont be needed as I found a charcter I really enjoy,
Im finding new quests all the time, and with my 3rd, doing thiefs guild and companions quests.
Done 30% of companions quest line and 5% of thiefs guild, and Im hitting 19 soon already.
I read about a guy completeing the game at lvl 19. I dont even see how its possible unless you sprint, fast trave, dont turn around for 2 seconds and fast forward every conversation during the main story.
The game is fantastic and even though I have done the starting phases 5 times by now, I still like it.
Why?: Cause you have a rather strong diversity in your class choice now, compared to say Oblivian.