» Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:51 pm
It will depend completely on which has the better gameplay and which world I enjoy more.
As much as I enjoyed Oblivion, it always felt like a postage stamp of a province and the default "bandits with glass armor" was just a really bad design. I probably would have given it up as a bad job entirely if it wasn't for Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. And once Fallout 3 showed up, I haven't booted up Oblivion in 2+ years now.
In comparison, Fallout 3 gave me:
- A much larger world that didn't feel so much like tempest in a teacup. (I do wish metro stations / tunnels were longer and more accurate to scale.) The world is still small though, and I wish they had spread it out over even a larger land mass. Some of the downtown areas are still pretty tiny, with city blocks that are about 1/3 scale in length.
- Varied locations. Much better interior dungeon designs with enough variety that you didn't feel like it was just one more of the same.
- A vastly improved leveling system that felt natural. Oblivion's leveling system was obtuse - if Fallout 3's leveling system were grafted onto Oblivion, Oblivion would have been vastly improved.
- Areas where monsters start hard and stay hard. You can't beat the main quest at low levels. At least not easily. And there are skill checks that might prevent that (lockpick/science checks). Monsters that start weak and stay weak. Molerats and dogs are a nasty enemy at low levels, at higher levels you can just shrug them off.
- VATS. I love VATS.
- A dash of FPS with weapons that can do damage at distance, without being required to use VATS.
- Lots and lots of little in-jokes and hidden easter eggs (lawn gnomes and teddy bears, for instance). Oblivion was a bit "serious" in tone in comparison. Fate-of-the-world and all that resting on your shoulders.
So, if FO3:NV takes the best of Fallout 3 and improves it slightly, while giving us a bigger world to explore and the same easy mod-ability, it'll probably be a winner.