I really loved the mod http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2901 for morrowind. If your not familiar with it, it gave the opportunity to own / operate ann inn with some minor quests involved (ie hire staff, fight brigands, invest funds). And imho the coolest part was being able to stock the bartenders inventory in other words choose what your inn was selling.
It really was a perfect place for all those random companions you compiled to group/hang out. It also had a couple other features, like various patrons showing up depending on what day it was / staying in their rooms. And ofcourse you could collect the profits at the end of every month (a nice alternative to dungeon diving).
So let's get to the point. I'm a texture guy by trade, and I'm more than ignorant when it comes to scripting / setting up a house in the cs. In other words I'll need some help (probably more than just some) to make this thing happen. You can check my signature for my portfolio if you like.
Ideas, thoughts, interest?