Wind direction stat?

Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:49 pm

I was thinking about perhaps making a mod that would make arrows shift a little in the wind for hunting. I actually wanted to do this in my Oblivion Archery mod but in oblivion there was no stat for the wind direction. I was just wondering if there is some stat for it in Skyrim. I see all the smoke from fires move in the same direction.

Is that done with placement or is there a stat that tells the smoke to move in a particular direction?

Same question with the snow storms and snow flakes.

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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:07 am

I am just thinking of the the scripting that would be needed for each smoke particle or snowflake to detect the way the wind blows and move in that direction.

Since the smoke is moving in the same direction, it stands to reason that the devs just picked a prevailing wind direction and used it. All the snow storms I have seen, the snow swirls more than blows in one direction or the other.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:07 pm

DAM....found this from a year ago:


Ethyst Deceiver :
I'm trying to use the chimney smoke MSTT and i need it to drift in a certain direction.
by default all the chimney smokes drift to the east, and i need them to drift west. i tried rotating the fx object in the worldspace with no luck. i also tried setting wind direction in the weather system but it doesnt have any effect. how the heck are you supposed to change the direction of the smoke drift. i dont want to rotate my entire world 180 degrees just for a stupid chimney smoke lol
I was really hoping that you could TURN the smoke object to get different directions then all I had to do was check the rotation of the smoke emitter. I guess that is not going to work then.
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