Still playing this one and I like it

Major :
I went to fort dyme where I had gone before the related quest and I couldn't manage to open the porticulis to BH's lair this second time - it doesn't get properly reset. I went through with tcl and I met a very quiet spirited BH - not sure if he's meant to be. If he really is that friendly I would appreciate his speaking a topic on the key, it feels buggy otherwise. The aforementioned key on the desk for some reason is
in the desk - I had to disable the desk to get it.
Arkyon when offering a horse to me (which I refused) he then has a topic like
did you find this for me ? and I can answer yes before I have the item - but it is the answer for the horse topic still ! When I do have the item he's ok.
The arch thief in glutinus manor - I found the hairpin without having talked to him - and then I did talk to him and he told me to talk to him

typo :
the hermit tells me that without them (the roots) he can't make the roots