Ive done a lot of quests for the guy you buy the house from and the king guy, there is no more options to do a quest and ive helped the people of the city a lot, the guy says there's unpleasantness happening at the moment and i cant buy the house, can someone tell me how i can buy it please??/
I had a similar problem with my first character. The blood on the ice quest wouldn't even start (I had already completed the Civil War questline and killed Ulfric at that point).
Worked fine for my second character though. Best house in the game.
Incorrect about the civil war thing, I have that house fully furnished and I haven't completed but a couple of quests for the stormcloaks... it's for finishing the questline about the murders and what-not
because that is what clears out the house so that it can be purchased
Incorrect about the civil war thing, I have that house fully furnished and I haven't completed but a couple of quests for the stormcloaks... it's for finishing the questline about the murders and what-not
because that is what clears out the house so that it can be purchased
Hmm it was just kinda going on when I walked into town.. I recall there being some scene over by the graveyard... dang. That's when I recall getting involved in it anyway, i went to some little graveyard in the city and there was this whole big deal going on so I got involved.
Hmm it was just kinda going on when I walked into town.. I recall there being some scene over by the graveyard... dang. That's when I recall getting involved in it anyway, i went to some little graveyard in the city and there was this whole big deal going on so I got involved.
Btw, the Windhelm house is the nicest house in all of Skyrim. You won't be dissapointed. But my second playthrough (current) I bought a house in Markarth because I like the location, it's tranquility at its best.