Windows 7 or 8?

Post » Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:33 am

Hey Fellow Crysis fans I FibreOptic I here!! Now I have A question regarding (as the title suggests) which one to go for to put it simply. In the coming weeks I will be getting a decent PC and I am wondering whether or not to splash that extra dime on windows 8 or to go with the tried and tested 7 that I am using already? Now I have heard a lot of banter about how incompatible and troublesome windows 8 is at the moment with games and such (even playing Crysis2), and I also have watched a couple of vids on what it's like...And I must say the fresh design is very.....well just like the Xbox dashboard. Not sure how I feel about it but then again it's all the matter of getting use to it, but I guess there is always the option of changing it to classic for the windows 7 feel.

But in any case I would appreciate it if any fellow Crysis fellas who use Win8 could give me there verdict and if there are any major concerns in upgrading now. But bearing in mind I won't be playing many modern games I will maybe get the original Crysis for PC the way it was intended, and the only two most recent I have now and hope to play are Metro 2033 and SWTOR the rest I have gathered over the years, thoughts?
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