Windstad Manor (missing objects?)

Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:33 am


I have a problem with my Heartfire home at Windstad Manor. First I had the invisible home issue which I resolved by disabling everything (even the hearfire DLC). I then entered the game - saved - quitted - enabled the mod and wupti, I could build it! But there's one problem.

Apparently, some objects are missing. If I enter the house I fall directly through it, there's no floor or anything. A screenshot is provided at the bottom of the post.

- I have tried to verify local cache through steam
- I also tried launching skyrim without SKSE loader
- Using BOSS haven't worked either
- My character is level 70

My load order is as following:

GameMode=SkyrimSkyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1Dawnguard.esm=1Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1HearthFires.esm=1Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1Dragonborn.esm=1Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1HighResTexturePack01.esp=1HighResTexturePack02.esp=1HighResTexturePack03.esp=1Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1ash pile expiration.esp=1breezehomelightingfix.esp=0chopping_block_wood_fires.esp=1better dynamic snow.esp=1newheavyarmorsound.esp=1rooster at dawn v1.0.esp=1magiclightshadows.esp=1enhancedlightingforrealisticlighting.esp=1enhanced soundtrack 02.esp=1enhanced soundtrack 01.esp=1thatsice.esp=1staticmeshimprovementmod.esp=1staticmeshimprovementmod-part2.esp=1staticmeshimprovementmod-part3.esp=1better embers.esp=1birds.esp=0birdshf.esp=0boss.esp=1densegrass.esp=1dragonsoulstoperks.esp=1dungeonquestawareness.esp=1enhanceddistantterrain.esp=1hqsnow.esp=1huntingprofit.esp=1lanterns of skyrim - all in one.esp=1lush trees.esp=1moredragonloot.esp=1morevillageanimals.esp=1moss rocks.esp=1real glaciers v2.esp=1real wildlife skyrim 0.1.esp=1whistle.esp=1item sorting by saige.esp=1skyui.esp=1aassassinscraftables.esp=1dark brotherhood bow.esp=1dbbownogloss.esp=1dbdagger.esp=1diamondweapons1.0.esp=1isilnarsil.esp=1listernersarmorset.esp=1darkbrotherhoodshield.esp=1df127merchantspack01.esp=1hunting in skyrim.esp=1markarth_plus.esp=1realcitiessolitude.esp=1run for your lives.esp=1whiterunexenhanced.esp=1lightweight potions and poisons.esp=1betterquestobjectives.esp=1codifredsenhancedsmithing.esp=1dense vegetation.esp=1distant detail.esp=1distant detailhf.esp=0improvedarmors.esp=1lush grass and trees.esp=1respectful guards.esp=1rich merchants.esp=1terrain bump.esp=1unreadbooksglow.esp=1riverwoodenhancedplugin.esp=1taveriften.esp=1tavesolitude.esp=1tavewindhelm.esp=1whiteruninenhanced.esp=1tavefalkreath.esp=1detailed outskirts.esp=1detailed cities.esp=1Realistic Lighting.esp=1Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp=1saturationboost.esp=1akmm_dyramisty_01.esp=1crimson tide - blood.esp=1alan_extended archery perk tree.esp=1unfu.esp=1townsandcitiesenhanced.esp=1spells cast light.esp=1better_water.esp=1purewaters.esp=1water.esp=1kerplunk.esp=1dragonpriestmaskquestmarkers.esp=1minemapmarkers.esp=1unique region names.esp=0reduced distance npc greetings.esp=1

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Matthew Warren
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:12 am

You never want to do that with mods. IF you are going to troubleshoot mods by disabling them, you never want to overwrite ANY save. If it autosaves while you're doing this then don't load the autosave. Instead load the manual save that you should have made before disabling everything. It depends on the mod, but some mods can't be disabled without causing problems. SOme of your mods are simple texture replacers, lush grass, etc those are ok since they don't rely on using your save. SOme of them probably do and it isn't possible to remove them completely from your save even by disabling them. This can cause possible issues in the future such as freezes, CTDs, and other weird problems etc while using that save. <= Check out the Posts section should be the 2nd post down. He explains it well. Number 3 is important.

That said, I would try to load an earlier save before you did all this. Leave all your mods enabled. To determine the culprit head over to the hearthfire home and make a new manual save there. Exit the game. Disable all you mods. Load the game and start the manual save you made. Try the house. If it created successfully then exit the game. Again, DONT overwrite any saves while doing this. ENable some mods. Try again. RInse and repeat. You get the idea I think. That's how you should troubleshoot a potential mod issue. If you find the mod causing the conflict, whether or not it can be disabled depends on the mod. You should check the mod author page for potential compat fixes or info about uninstalling the mod.

Did you BOSS your load order?

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