Winter Winds

Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:36 am

((This a one-man story, no-one get's to join, I just thought I might put my written skills to the test, please comment reguarding what you think about the story.))

Albert buttoned his rough linen shirt up, pulled his leather holster over his shoulders and placed his S&W 586 in it's place under his right shoulder. He went over to the coat-rack and took a thick fur coat which he pulled on and buckled down.

He took a deep breath, and stepped out of his wooden cabin.
He was met by a hard gust of icy wind that made his eyes water. He steadied himself and pulled his coat even tighter around him, walking slowly towards the command-cabin.

As he walked over towards the cabin, he wondered what assignment would land on his lap today, properly some absolutly wothless task that would be better suited for the children of the village to solve. Albert wanted to do more than defrost the old diesel engine ((Diesel engins can run on other things than diesel, animal fats for instance)) and clear out the stabels. He wanted to go with the Bikers on the snow-mobile to protect the borders against the marauders and fur-hunters that would be comming to these parts around winter to hunt the wildlife his village so desperately depended on.

Albert finally got over to the command-cabin and slowly pushed the door open, stepping inside the varm and cozy cabin. The cabin was isolated with animal hides along the walls and floor. Thick wooden tabels stood neatly alined along the sides of the walls where the various villagers where working on their task of the day. Some tabels where empty with the sign: "Outside working" placed in the middle of the tabel. Others where working dilligantly in front of thier computer terminal.
Albert walked up to his desk, passing his lifelong friend Sofie on the way. "Good morning Al." She said with a bright smile. Albert smiled and greeted her. Sofie scooted over towards him on her office chair as he placed his fur-coat over his chair. "I hear you'll be going outside today." She said with a sly smirk. Albert looked at her with a surprised gaze. "Really?" She laughed, her bright blue eyes sparkeling with glee."Yeah! Go get your assignment from Mikeal." Albert looked up towards the Staff Sergeants desk and walked up there with firm and fokussed steps.
As he walked towards the Staff Sergeants desk he wondered what he'd be doing "outside" as the called the forrests surrounding the village, maybe he'd actually get to follow the hunters and start learning the same proffession that his father had had a long time ago, or maybe he'd get to "tag-along" with the "bikers" (a nickname the villagers gave the soldiers who patroled thier borders on snowmobiles). Whatever task he was to be presented, it would no doubt be better than the things he was used to being inside the village.

((So guys, should I continue this, or should I spare you all the pain and boredom?))
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:40 pm

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea...
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