Time for a quick update
I do think an underworld is a very bad idea for Ebonheart. This is the seat of Imperial control in Morrowind after all. Please focus new NPC's and quests on developing politics in Ebonheart because this is where it belongs!
There are many embasies here that surely sould have political quests (Argonian slavery). The Nord embasy would be concerned with their Morrowind settlements, such as Sostheim and Dagon Fel. New embasies may also make sense here.
The East Empire Company should also have lots of missions.
I remember the Developers saying that developing the politics of Ebonheart was something that they wish they had completed in time.
The underground was mostly dropped since Blake was pretty much doing the same thing but on a much larger scale, thow the sewers and a few quests from its inhabitants are still there.
Any more progress general?
I've added a Hammerfell mission but have very few political quests so far and only five EEC quests (small ones) but I am thinking of opening this to any one that might be interested in making a quest for this, I'd love to be able to have a large number of them in this but I neither have the skills to make complicated quest lines or the time to do it alone, I'll ask soon enough.
I'll also be opening this to anyone willing to make player (purchasable house) or any other thing (unique shop) that would add to the uniqueness of whats available in this mod.
Also I'm looking for some one that could help Me add scripts to the Docked ships, I'd like them to be put on schedules, this way the ships aren't perma docked, and different ships are docked on different days. If any one can help with that I would be very pleased and greatful.
Also, I have been trying to make a few minor static models with blender, but am still learning the ropes with that, I was wondering if any one might be willing to healp out with a few small things?
Anyways thanks for Your patients guys and sorry for the wait.
Happy new years.