(WIP/RELZ) Vibrant Distant LOD & Vibrant Textures Enhanc

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:49 am

CorePC, I dont know if you have tried them but I notice you link RPGs more detailed and processor hungry trees, have you tried RPGs LowPolyTrees instead...


Might be worth a mention for a different choice for users - As for how they look with your textures.....






Edit: Also, just a thought - I am using All Natural, and in the ini I have selected EW and AWS. I notice you still mention that you have only tried this texture set with EW (or rather, maybe the original Enhanced Weather)... Is the information reference weather out of date, or do you still only recommend Enhanced Weather - In which case I need to try this with only EW in the All Natural ini. I am wondering about those seams especially if you do not experience them.

Edit2: Quick update, changed to just EW on the laptop this time... still have the seam, its a bit faint in this shot....
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jadie kell
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:44 am

Anything happening with development on this? I have used QTP3 full until my last two games where I switched to vibrant and it was a great change. I especially like the cave and dungeons. I have only been using the files from nexus so before I start my next game I wanted to see if there were any changes. I have already found the 1.55 and 1.56 updates, so if I install these on top of the ones from nexus I should have the latest?
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:34 am

Anything happening with development on this? I have used QTP3 full until my last two games where I switched to vibrant and it was a great change. I especially like the cave and dungeons. I have only been using the files from nexus so before I start my next game I wanted to see if there were any changes. I have already found the 1.55 and 1.56 updates, so if I install these on top of the ones from nexus I should have the latest?

1.55 and 1.56 Updates where the last one that I posted

plus the http://www.4shared.com/file/wX8n8okQ/VibrantSnowRevised.html
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:01 am

1.55 and 1.56 Updates where the last one that I posted

plus the http://www.4shared.com/file/wX8n8okQ/VibrantSnowRevised.html

Getting the snow replacer now, much apprecited, and mighty fine work. Thanks for your effort.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:34 am

To CorePC:

The description of Vibrant Textures in TesNexus site says:

"It is suggested to either not to use and use all mine and bomret or mix and match by carefully installing either those above and choosing what you need from mine, or install mine first and then overwrite with those that you need from above. with cases like qtp it would overwrite everything..etc .."

In another thread on this forum I found this installing order someone is (or was) using:
"I use the following esp-less texture packs together (installed in this order), which pretty much cover everything in vanilla Oblivion and SI, in addition to things like RAEVWD and AWLS. Most are available on Nexus:

Vibrant Textures
Qarl’s Texture Pack 3 Redimized
Bomret Texture Pack Shivering Isles
... the list continues ..."

If I install Vibrant Textures and then install QTP3 Redimized, would QTP3 really overwrite Vibrant Textures? I mean, installing Vibrant + QTP3 in this order is necessary * OR * it would be the same effect as if I only installed QTP3?

Another question: the Vibrant omod links at Tesnexus are up-to-date? I didn't see any references to 1.56 version there. Shall I DL Vibrant Textures from Tesnexus and then grab 1.56 update?

Thank you!
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:40 am

To CorePC:

The description of Vibrant Textures in TesNexus site says:

"It is suggested to either not to use and use all mine and bomret or mix and match by carefully installing either those above and choosing what you need from mine, or install mine first and then overwrite with those that you need from above. with cases like qtp it would overwrite everything..etc .."

In another thread on this forum I found this installing order someone is (or was) using:
"I use the following esp-less texture packs together (installed in this order), which pretty much cover everything in vanilla Oblivion and SI, in addition to things like RAEVWD and AWLS. Most are available on Nexus:

Vibrant Textures
Qarl’s Texture Pack 3 Redimized
Bomret Texture Pack Shivering Isles
... the list continues ..."

If I install Vibrant Textures and then install QTP3 Redimized, would QTP3 really overwrite Vibrant Textures? I mean, installing Vibrant + QTP3 in this order is necessary * OR * it would be the same effect as if I only installed QTP3?

Another question: the Vibrant omod links at Tesnexus are up-to-date? I didn't see any references to 1.56 version there. Shall I DL Vibrant Textures from Tesnexus and then grab 1.56 update?

Thank you!

If you install full QTP after vibrant you will have QTP for nearly everything (some minor exceptions). So if you want vibrant but a few specifics from qtp3 then you need to extract only the qtp3 files you want to use and overwrite vibrant. QTP3 and QTP3R are the same except for size of textures.

When extracting QTP3® keep an eye on whether you need the meshes as some of the QTP3 textures have matching mesh files. Vibrant I believe is all textures.

I believe same goes for vibrant SI and Bomret's SI but I have not played SI yet to see.

And as far as the tesnexus files, install those and grab the updates from the links in Corpec's post above.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:22 am

Bomret's SI definitely features meshes as well as, well, textures. Pretty sure none of the Vibrant packs do, however. :shrug:
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:33 am

If you install full QTP after vibrant you will have QTP for nearly everything (some minor exceptions). So if you want vibrant but a few specifics from qtp3 then you need to extract only the qtp3 files you want to use and overwrite vibrant. QTP3 and QTP3R are the same except for size of textures.

When extracting QTP3R keep an eye on whether you need the meshes as some of the QTP3 textures have matching mesh files. Vibrant I believe is all textures.

I believe same goes for vibrant SI and Bomret's SI but I have not played SI yet to see.

And as far as the tesnexus files, install those and grab the updates from the links in Corpec's post above.

And I can use Detailed Terrain alongside Vibrant Textures or this is not necessary?

Thanks again!
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:12 pm

And I can use Detailed Terrain alongside Vibrant Textures or this is not necessary?

Thanks again!

I never used detailed terrain. What do you use it with now? How much overhead does it require and is it really good? I may give it a try.
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gary lee
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:10 pm

And I can use Detailed Terrain alongside Vibrant Textures or this is not necessary?

If you have a look in the archives for each (Vibrant Textures and Detailed Terrain, that is) - either using BAIN, or simply an archive app like 7-Zip - you'll see where there is conflict. Regardless, if you have Detailed Terrain installed after Vibrant Textures, you should receive the benefits of the DT shader edit. But it depends if DT is reliant upon standard (i.e., QTP3/QTP3R) meshes/textures also being adjacent (to the DT-modified ones).

You can but try, unless the readme(s) tell(s) you anything...

Personally, I don't use it, and wouldn't unless I was going full (or very close to, especially in landscape areas) QTP3/QTP3R. I believe that's how it is intended, at the very least.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:13 pm

And as far as the tesnexus files, install those and grab the updates from the links in Corpec's post above.

I'm grabbing the Vibrant files from TesNexus right now.
But I could find only the link for Vibrant 1.56 update here in this thread. Do I have to install both 1.55 and 1.56 upgrades * OR * 1.56 version also contains 1.55 ?
If I have to download and install both upgrades, please can someone post a link to the 1.55 upgrade (again, I found only the link for 1.56 version in page 1 of this thread).

Are Vibrant Caves, Vibrant Snow Replacer and Vibrant Dungoen Interiors/Exteriors included in the updates above mentioned (or in some Tesnexus pae) * OR * I must DL them separately?
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:32 am

1.56 Version contains the 1.55 fixes has well which can be found in post 2 once again which includes caves, dungeons , etc..Snow replacer is seperate once again..

Tesnexus contains the original, what is posted in post 2 are upgrades once again to the orignial downloads.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:15 am

1.56 Version contains the 1.55 fixes has well which can be found in post 2 once again which includes caves, dungeons , etc..Snow replacer is seperate once again..

Tesnexus contains the original, what is posted in post 2 are upgrades once again to the orignial downloads.

Thanks CorePC and the other members of this list who helped me.

I was reading the previous Vibrant Distant LOD thread and I read something I didn't know: a RAEVWD-version for Vibrant Textures. Any news on this project?
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:41 pm

I read something I didn't know: a RAEVWD-version for Vibrant Textures. Any news on this project?

Not at this time, Cobl 1.73, OOO 1.35, MMM 3.7b7, take up most of my time, getting those ready for release's, which are getting closer once again at least Public Beta Finally..

After those are out then I will have time to work on Vibrant Stuff
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:05 am

Not at this time, Cobl 1.73, OOO 1.35, MMM 3.7b7, take up most of my time, getting those ready for release's, which are getting closer once again at least Public Beta Finally..

After those are out then I will have time to work on Vibrant Stuff

Man, FCOM project is getting fast... good news... I am eager to put my hands on this new version to come!
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:38 pm

take up most of my time,

After those are out then I will have time to work on Vibrant Stuff

Well maybe I did find some time .

While Modding and Testing and reading the forums etc

I do sometime manage to find time to run textures through mip map filter and etc trying to find something that looks really. Before I play and this time I would like to share with everyone what the result was after it was done..

The Pics









1.60 Vibrant Textures and Vibrant Bomret Fixes

Includes Modified Bomret Detailed Normal Maps(Landscape Textures Only) - Changed Mip Map Filtering and Bump Mapped a Few of Grass Normal Maps to match Vibrant 1.5. Adjustments..Still some tilling at long distance..But overall effect is sharpness on textures have been reduced but blending has increased alot up close and mid way..

ReRand Mip Map filtering Process to reduce the tiling up close..

All Credit's to Bomret for his Detailed Normal Map Replacer

All Fixes Below Included in 1.6 Update


1.56 Addon Snow Replacer

- Requested Snow Replacer Texture

1.56 Fixes

- Adjusted Bump Mapping, Sharpen, Layer, Coloring Process once more for Landscape Textures
- Adjusted Sand Normal Maps to be in dxt5 format for shiny Sand
- Adjusted Mip Map Method so less flicker on textures when AF and AA is turned on
- Adjusted Road Texture back to Normal Variety has smallroadstone would cause blending problems in some areas

1.55 Fixes

- Bump Mapped Landscape, Dungeons, Sewers, Aylied Ruins, Caves, and More
- Parallax Mapping Enabled for Sewers, Staring Dungeon, Caves
- New Color Scheme for Many Regions
- Over 130mb of textures redone
- Better Tree BillBoards, Leaves
- Better Plants Textures


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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:58 am



I most certainly will. I use your textures instead of Quarl's. Thanks for the great work, Corepc.
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Jason King
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:56 am

I most certainly will. I use your textures instead of Quarl's. Thanks for the great work, Corepc.

Well I hope these are has beautiful for you has they are for me and perform they same has well..

Try Changing this in your .ini to these values


Morning "Bump" for 1.6

This Morning Pics - Forest South of Bruma / Northern Imperial Isle




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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:58 am

Is this compatible with the Weather: All Natural mod? At least, is the weather component compatible?
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:22 am

Is this compatible with the Weather: All Natural mod? At least, is the weather component compatible?

Yes, the Weather Component is just Vanilla Weather Texture Replacer is all and work with All Natural or Enhanced Weather

If you get pink skies then download the Weather 1.3 Version..
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:00 pm

Thank you for the update, I enjoy this mod very much. I was wondering what exactly those ini values changes?
Thank you.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:04 am

Yes, the Weather Component is just Vanilla Weather Texture Replacer is all and work with All Natural or Enhanced Weather

If you get pink skies then download the Weather 1.3 Version..

I tried it just now and it works fine. no pink skies. Thank you! :)
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:32 am

Corepc, thank you for the gift of wonder your Vibrant Texture replacers bring to the game. I can say they can rival QTP and they bring out the beauty in vanilla textures.

I have installed the whole vibrant texture packs on top of Bomret's detailed normal maps for vanilla. I have also installed the 1.6 beta update, and snow revised. I'm now reporting on some possible glitches that may somehow relate to your replacers.

This http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3183/screenshot10k.jpg shows that the Anvil sign marker is not as "vibrant" as the other sign markers. This is the same for all Anvil sign markers that may be found along the road throughout Cyrodiil. Perhaps you could point out what to look for and I'll try to see if I can help troubleshoot the problem.

This http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2817/screenshot12m.jpg on the other hand shows inconsistent "reflective" snow surface I encountered while trekking along the Jerall Mountains.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:33 am

Thanks for the update CorePC, looking forward to being able to download this update for the desktop one day - File/GameFront currently telling me 24 hrs to completion .. and slowly getting worse. O_o. Will try again later.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:55 am

This http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3183/screenshot10k.jpg shows that the Anvil sign marker is not as "vibrant" as the other sign markers. This is the same for all Anvil sign markers that may be found along the road throughout Cyrodiil. Perhaps you could point out what to look for and I'll try to see if I can help troubleshoot the problem.

This http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2817/screenshot12m.jpg on the other hand shows inconsistent "reflective" snow surface I encountered while trekking along the Jerall Mountains.

Looked at the signs

Anvil sign did not get Vibrant Treatment,
Bravil and Leyawiin Sign's only got One Filter Pass where the other got 2 filter passes

Fixed for 1.62

I was asssuming that you where north of cheydinhal so I tried hunting down that spot that you posted in the pic above..

I could not find that exact spot, but I was fairly close at tracking down something that looks just like the one you posted in game. And well I have HDR turned on and has you can see everything is shiny, up close, is it reflective only from only certains angle or when some light source is shining close to it. So that is actually normal..I actually noticed some of the snow rocks have a shine at night to them has well, when you pull out a torch..


Thanks for the update CorePC, looking forward to being able to download this update for the desktop one day -
File/GameFront currently telling me 24 hrs to completion .. and slowly getting worse. O_o. Will try again later.

That is strange for FileFront/Gamefront to be slow but it is weekend once again. If you need a Megaupload link let me know..


Oh something that will be in 1.62 Updates - Found this lovely Vibrant Vanilla Ruin Texture that speaks for itself has a Road Texture Replacer

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