This shows that the Anvil sign marker is not as "vibrant" as the other sign markers. This is the same for all Anvil sign markers that may be found along the road throughout Cyrodiil. Perhaps you could point out what to look for and I'll try to see if I can help troubleshoot the problem.
This on the other hand shows inconsistent "reflective" snow surface I encountered while trekking along the Jerall Mountains.
1.6.5 Should fix the Sign Problem..Has I have now Redone All the City Signs
Oh something that will be in 1.62 Updates - Found this lovely Vibrant Vanilla Ruin Texture that speaks for itself has a Road Texture Replacer
New Road Texture Replacer's for 1.6.5 Version..
bug report:
the following texture is bugged: \Textures\Architecture\city\mania\
EDIT: :facepalm: wrong vibrant textures thread. oh well.
Yep, some of the SI Textures are Missing Alpha Channel or they got wiped out. the Windows in particular, I will have to fix those in SI Update..Which may take a while to do has I have to find out which other ones are missing them..
But in the meantime here is the
Vibrant 1.6.5 Update -
Does not Contain SI
List of Fixes or Changes
New BAIN Friendly Archive for Cyrodiil ..No Omod Yet..
Grass Texture's Redone once more to reduce tiling at close up range, New Color Scheme has well. To blend better
Replaced Road Texture with Different Varaints you have to see it is game..
Updated Clutter Signs - Redid whole Vibrant Process on them all so they would be the same
You only thought Vibrant Was Complete found some things =============================================
Added these Vibrant Landscape Plant Textures Varations for
Crop's - Carrot, Rice, Wheat, Corn, Leek, WaterMelon etc
Flora's - Tigerliy, Thistle, Flax, NightShade, etc
Misc's - Butterfly's, treeroot's, fungus, etc..
Oblivion Realms Flora - Harrada,etc
Added the Vibrant Clutter Textures Varations for
Art Supplies - Canvas, Brushes, Easel, etc
Food Item - Cheese, Bread, Beef, etc
Ingriedients - Fishscales, Glow Dust, Ectoplasm etc..
The Download Above is a Full Archive it 271mb - Contains Vibrant Architecture, Clutter, Landscape, Oblivion Realms All in One Package along with Vibrant Bomret Modified Landscape Normal Maps has Well..
You only need to download this one Vibrant Texture Pack Now.
You should install Bomret Detailed Normal Maps before install Vibrant 1.6.5
Check Install In First Post Updated