Corepc good morning, I made you a couple of screenies. I had to upload them in .jpg format, so there is some data loss. I also shrunk them to 70 pct of original:
Both pics were taken with HDR turned ON. A few posts earlier you said we should try rename the to regular I DID NOT DO THAT in the above two pics. The only difference between them is the camera viewpoint. I lowered the viewpoint in the second pic (taken just a few seconds after the first). It seems that the HDR overblow occurs only if the sun is on the edge of the picture. I think they are both fine. I don't know if the overblow on the second is intended or not but I think it's ok

For whatever it's worth, I have changed the following two settings of my HDR in the Oblivion.ini:
fBlurRadius=6.0000 (default 7.0000) -> recommended by Gekko64
fBrightScale=1.7500 (default 2.2500) -> recommended by Gekko64
I don't really know if they are changing HDR on the outside and inside, or just for one of them.
Here's an idyllic one from near Skingrad:
These are my pals in the background. It's very beautiful. If anything the green is just on the slightly too full, too saturated side for my taste. Somehow I think nature is never that beautiful. But it is clearly debatable and I DO LIKE IT!!! However, I would not give it still "more" in future versions. The sharpness an overall impression of the original 1680 x 1050 .bmp is much better, especially on the grass.
Then I have a lovely cave pic from Haynote Cave. Really, I don't think you can improve anything with the caves!
And a few pics from inside a fort:
Again, this is about as good as it gets. Even the spider web is great! The door is nice too. You can stop working on the forts textures.
For comparison I will now try disable all vibrant and Bomret and just go back to vanilla and post a few... :rofl:
Ok, so here are a few vanilla ones:
It's a big difference once you lay them side by side! Unfortunately I did not find the very same door again for the vanilla pics. Also the corridor leading up to is not quite the identical one. But I hope it is still ok.
The Skingrad scene is rather interesting:
I thought the difference in color saturation should be greater vs. Vibrant. But this is not so. Vibrant actually adds only very little to that. But quite a lot more in terms of sharpness! So my criticism of over-saturation is definitely off-base. Now let me get back to the Vibrant set in a hurry again!

If you want I can pack up any originals in 7-z and upload them for you. Just PM me the linky again if you please

Will take more screenies over the weekend.