(WIP/RELZ) Vibrant Distant LOD & Vibrant Textures Enhancemen

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:48 am

Hi Corepc, love all your work and saw you wanted some feedback on the textures. These are with all your textures installed and the 1.5 upgrade. I never have grass on :) and I have All Natural Weather and Animated Windows installed. Haven't done the lod gen yet, slowing rebuilding my mod order again.
These are outside of Anvil, one overview shot and 3 of the same area but with HDR, one with Bloom, and one with nothing. http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot10.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot7.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot8.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot9.jpg

These are in IC, cloudy in the afternoon, just seemed so somber had to take a screenshot. http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot2.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot3.jpg

I love the textures, if you want any that are specific let me know and again thank you for enriching my Oblivion game! :foodndrink:
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:30 pm

These are outside of Anvil, one overview shot and 3 of the same area but with HDR, one with Bloom, and one with nothing.




I love the textures, if you want any that are specific let me know and again thank you for enriching my Oblivion game! :foodndrink:

Thanks for posting the Vibrant Sun in Bloom, which looks a whole lot better than HDR.. I never use Bloom always in HDR so was not sure how it looked compared to hdr,

which means I need to adjust the HDR Vibrant Sun to be more like the Bloom Version..

Has anybody been into the sewers or aylied ruins or fort interior yet..?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:26 am

Your welcome. :) It's funny because I thought the bloom one looked alot better in game as well. The hdr one was very bright, that's why I was taking screenshots actually. I'm sticking with hdr though cause thats what I'm used too. Thank you again and if I happen to be in any ruins tonight, I'll snap some more screenshots. Would you like a couple of bloom/hdr comparison's for those as well? :foodndrink:
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john page
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:54 pm

Thank you again and if I happen to be in any ruins tonight, I'll snap some more screenshots. Would you like a couple of bloom/hdr comparison's for those as well? :foodndrink:

What ever you feel like hdr / bloom is fine with me..

If you could test this to see if make a difference or not..

make a backup copy of sunglare.dds and then rename sunglarenonhdr.dds to sunglare.dds,

Does It should make the sun look more like the one in bloom pic or not?

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Noraima Vega
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:13 pm

Corepc, I think the new textures are very good, even better than what the 1.3 sets used to be. I can't be very specific, haven't taken any fantastic screenshots. Will see that I can do so over the next few sessions. But the sharpness and overall impression is definitely improved over 1.3.

Yes I have been into forts with the new set. I don't know what to tell you: It just looks great in there!

I have not checked Bloom vs. HDR. I always play with HDR. But given how nice Bloom looks in the other fellow's screenies I'm tempted to try it more seriously. Now as to HDR: It often is very bright if not too bright, too much glaring, too much shining. If anything, it is even more visible when you're inside in rooms. I have Weather All Natural installed and when it is sunny outside, it is generally just too bright inside. I don't know if this is a "problem" of HDR + WAN or HDR + Vibrant. I already changed the HDR setting somewhat (i can give you the values if you want).

Out of interest I'd be curious to see all outside Vibrant sets with a somewhat reduced color saturation. Generally outside, the colors are rather too warm and too "bold", too "beautiful". However it is difficult for me to give a firm verdict without comparison. If it was not too much work I'd say reduce saturation globally across the board by - I just throw up a number - 5 percent. I'd just like to see the difference.

Sorry if this all sounds a bit negative to you. It is not meant to be! I like Vibrant very much!! It's just if you're experimenting with it, maybe try with a little bit of saturation reduction, if that's possible.

I have not yet been in the Leyawiin area, will do so over the weekend.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:22 pm

Out of interest I'd be curious to see all outside Vibrant sets with a somewhat reduced color saturation. Generally outside, the colors are rather too warm and too "bold", too "beautiful". However it is difficult for me to give a firm verdict without comparison. If it was not too much work I'd say reduce saturation globally across the board by - I just throw up a number - 5 percent. I'd just like to see the difference.

Input is what I wanted to hear, so crictism is fine has well..

Yes, many would agree, I will agree myself, the first version, they where high mix of warm, bold, beautiful but where oversharpned and caused color artifacts real close, Or in some cases in wrong format tree billboards, plants, where in dxt3 now dxt5, so alpha channel detail show up better. If you notice you should have alot less distanttree that are greenblack and more that stand out..look toward bruma from isle..

The 1.5 stuff Will all be bump mapped which give a much better results, Has it give more color depth to textures, sharpen the detail up, and make object stand out. Plus I fade the bump map has well else it would be too dark for some, And if the texture needs a sharpen or unsharpen mask applied then I am only using that like 2% has bump map once again bring out the detail that sharpen would do, but, without the color artifacts once again..

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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:00 am

Oooh, I've traveled around a bit and I do like what I'm seeing! I'm still having a look, but so far I think it is fantastic!
These are all with bloom setting and I think the color balance is nice.

I'm sorry I haven't had any sunny days yet, but I'll get some soon!
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:45 pm


:thumbsup: - Can I have the enlarged version of this one for the pic archive's..your bmp image please..
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:57 pm

:thumbsup: - Can I have the enlarged version of this one for the pic archive's..your bmp image please..

Yep, you've got it :D
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:53 pm

Ahh, first off I'm sorry, I forgot to take my hud off first before the screenshots. :facepalm: Anyway, I changed the texture like you said and a huge improvement with the glare and brightness. I've not changed anything else (and I noticed the extreme brightness inside before like previous poster) This seemed to change this as well. Little disclaimer for anyone looking at all these screenshots, in game is much more beautiful.
Fort next to Weye:
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/InsidefortnexttoWeye.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/InsidefortnexttoWeye2.jpg
Leyawiin sunrise with hdr no sunglare change: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Leyawinnsunrisewithhdr.jpg
Leyawiin sunrise with hdr and the sunglare change: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Leyawiinsunrisewithsunglarechange.jpg (much better i think)
Outside ruins at night, morning, and afternoon (cloudy day):
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Ruinsatnight.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Ruinsinmorning.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Ruinsinafternoon.jpg
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Vilverin2.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Vilverin.jpg
Weye at noon, afternoon, and sunset (all with the sunglare change):
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Weyeatnoonwithsunglarechange.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Weyeafternoonwithsunglarechange.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Weyesunsetwithsunglarechange.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Weyesunset2withsunglarechange.jpg

I would say just making that one change improved it alot for me, not blinded anymore outside or inside. Hope this helps and if ya need any more testing i'll be glad to help.

p.s. haven't figured out how to name my links, i'm such a noob at this, lol.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:13 pm

Ahh, first off I'm sorry, I forgot to take my hud off first before the screenshots. :facepalm:

Anyway, I changed the texture like you said and a huge improvement with the glare and brightness. I've not changed anything else (and I noticed the extreme brightness inside before like previous poster) This seemed to change this as well. Little disclaimer for anyone looking at all these screenshots, in game is much more beautiful.

Fort next to Weye:

Leyawiin sunrise with hdr no sunglare change: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Leyawinnsunrisewithhdr.jpg

Leyawiin sunrise with hdr and the sunglare change: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Leyawiinsunrisewithsunglarechange.jpg (much better i think)

I would say just making that one change improved it alot for me, not blinded anymore outside or inside. Hope this helps and if ya need any more testing i'll be glad to help.

p.s. haven't figured out how to name my links, i'm such a noob at this, lol.

Thanks Will test it myself and swap the texture around..has I think I overdid the HDR One in 1.3 Vibrant Weather..

how to name your links..here on this forum..

just select the text, then hit insert link, insert htpp link, then it may give you another option for naming it..I usually just manual edit them and that would be everything in between the ] and [/url is where you name the link..


Grab the fix for BrummaCobbleStone which is not showing up poperly.. - thank lilith for reporting it once again..

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:16 pm

Thanks for the tip on how to name my links, changed them in my posts, should be better now. Around Bruma with bloom looks great! I'll have a look up there also :).
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:59 am

A last couple of pictures for ya, went to Bruma and of course it was snowing. When it stopped it around midnight. Very beautiful none the less and I snapped a shot of one of the houses up close.
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot28.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot30.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/ScreenShot34.jpg

Here's Frostcrag in the afternoon:

And Thoryne thanks you!

Thanks again!

(all pics taken with hdr and sunglare fix and the cobble fix you posted earlier, forgot to mention that ^_^ )
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:03 pm

Grab the fix for BrummaCobbleStone which is not showing up properly..


That worked a treat, thank you Corepc! :bowdown:
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:25 pm

Corepc good morning, I made you a couple of screenies. I had to upload them in .jpg format, so there is some data loss. I also shrunk them to 70 pct of original:


Both pics were taken with HDR turned ON. A few posts earlier you said we should try rename the sun...hdr.dds to regular sunglare.dds. I DID NOT DO THAT in the above two pics. The only difference between them is the camera viewpoint. I lowered the viewpoint in the second pic (taken just a few seconds after the first). It seems that the HDR overblow occurs only if the sun is on the edge of the picture. I think they are both fine. I don't know if the overblow on the second is intended or not but I think it's ok :)

For whatever it's worth, I have changed the following two settings of my HDR in the Oblivion.ini:
fBlurRadius=6.0000 (default 7.0000) -> recommended by Gekko64
fBrightScale=1.7500 (default 2.2500) -> recommended by Gekko64

I don't really know if they are changing HDR on the outside and inside, or just for one of them.

Here's an idyllic one from near Skingrad:


These are my pals in the background. It's very beautiful. If anything the green is just on the slightly too full, too saturated side for my taste. Somehow I think nature is never that beautiful. But it is clearly debatable and I DO LIKE IT!!! However, I would not give it still "more" in future versions. The sharpness an overall impression of the original 1680 x 1050 .bmp is much better, especially on the grass.

Then I have a lovely cave pic from Haynote Cave. Really, I don't think you can improve anything with the caves!


And a few pics from inside a fort:


Again, this is about as good as it gets. Even the spider web is great! The door is nice too. You can stop working on the forts textures.
For comparison I will now try disable all vibrant and Bomret and just go back to vanilla and post a few... :rofl:
Ok, so here are a few vanilla ones:


It's a big difference once you lay them side by side! Unfortunately I did not find the very same door again for the vanilla pics. Also the corridor leading up to is not quite the identical one. But I hope it is still ok.

The Skingrad scene is rather interesting:


I thought the difference in color saturation should be greater vs. Vibrant. But this is not so. Vibrant actually adds only very little to that. But quite a lot more in terms of sharpness! So my criticism of over-saturation is definitely off-base. Now let me get back to the Vibrant set in a hurry again! :)

If you want I can pack up any originals in 7-z and upload them for you. Just PM me the linky again if you please :)

Will take more screenies over the weekend.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:45 am

it is truly amazing how good they look. especially when you consider that you get no performance hit out of them. epic win.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:01 pm

Tommy H, that Skingrad picture is beautiful! I'm glad you got a close up of the door in the fort too. It's all the little details together that make these textures so nice. I'll try your hdr settings with and without the sunglare fix. You said the interiors were still bright though? (afternoon I assume). I did take screenshots of the bookstore in IC with the glare, but it didn't show up properly in the shots. If all else fails I'll just go to bloom because these look fantastic either way. :)

Thanks again Corepc and I agree with Tommy, the forts and ruins and caves look beautiful as they are. (actually pretty much everything does)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:52 pm

You said the interiors were still bright though? (afternoon I assume).

Yeah... I must take a screenie of that when I see it again. Off the top of my head it is especially bright in the Chorrol Mage Guild, because they have got the big star on the floor that is very shiny by itself already. :)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:56 pm

it is truly amazing how good they look. especially when you consider that you get no performance hit out of them. epic win.

Indeed!! Meanwhile, I edited my screenie post about 50 times now and inserted a few vanilla comparison shots at the end. If you haven't seen it, you may want to. In direct comparison it is especially impressive what Bomret/Vibrant gives you!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:33 pm

Ok guys last set of comparison shots, I promise! :) Again mods used are Weather All Natural (using Real Lights that comes with this), Animated Window Lighting System and Vibrant Textures. Took four different times at Chorrol mages guild entrance, night (around 11pm), morning (around 8am), noon and evening (around 6pm). Also it was a bit cloudy outside (isn't it always?).

(The "fixed" ones are with changing the sunglare.dds and using Tommy's values for blur radius and bright scale)
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildnightnofixes.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmageguildnightwithfixes.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildnightbloom.jpg
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildmoringnofixes.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmageguildmorningwithfix.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildmorningbloom.jpg
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildnoonnofixes.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmageguildnoonwithfix.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildnoonbloom.jpg
http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/chorrolmagesguildeveningnofixes.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmageguildeveningwithfix.jpg, http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/myrrdin35/Vibrant%20textures/Chorrolmagesguildeveningbloom.jpg

The night and evening don't show much difference, but the morning and noon ones do with the fixes. But I have to say I actually like the bloom best of all especially in game. I hope this helps and I would say at this point its all just a matter of personal preference whether you use hdr, bloom or nothing. Your textures make them all look better. Thanks again!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:21 pm

Thanks Everyone for reporting and posting pics has well..

I will not change the Sewer, Forts, Ruin's, Caves textures has those are done and final, not going to put any more work into those areas has everyone is liking them once again.

Hopefully I will have some more done and ready for testing over the next few days..

The plan finish off Trees Trunks so that trees will be finished, Start on Rocks and Wood Textures. Those will be next updates over the next few days..

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:39 pm

Ok guys last set of comparison shots, I promise!

Nice work! Bloom is definitely more restraint. I may try that tomorrow too. Ideally the best would be somewhere between Bloom and HDR... :) But hey, HDR at midday is a "pain" whether regular or fixed, is it not? If you were a mage in Chorrol you'd definitely need sunglasses. :) Now you say that it was a somewhat cloudy day. So if it's sunny it is even stronger. But the lighting in the guild hall is off anyway. It should never be all that bright because the curtains are drawn and there are no windows in this room. Yes, I know it is probably a game or mod limitation and not possible otherwise. And it probably would be a problem that is unrelated to Vibrant anyway. And really, I'm just observing it, not complaining. :)
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:46 pm

I'm glad you guys found the shots helpful. :)

Tommy, when I went to take the shots I thought the hdr ones weren't glaring enough so I looked around and there's a very small window by the door that's actually how I knew it was cloudy (AWLS for the win!). Normally when I walk in that place its really really bright. But from my testing and Lilith's pictures she has posted you don't lose anything outside, and just that annoying glare inside with bloom. Win win in my book. I don't know what her settings are, maybe she could let us know (pretty please with cherry on top lilith if you read this? :icecream: ) Because I only used straight bloom in the screenshots no AA on. So that might make a difference too.

But I definately agree if we could get somewhere between bloom and hdr, it would be perfect. I'm just glad Core made these textures!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:20 pm

I don't know what her settings are, maybe she could let us know (pretty please with cherry on top lilith if you read this? :icecream: ) Because I only used straight bloom in the screenshots no AA on. So that might make a difference too.

I use the Bloom setting, no AA and my brightness (in-game setting) is just a smidgen to the left of center (towards darker). I played with the brightness setting a lot to find the light/dark balance that worked for me both indoors and outdoors.

I hope this helps even though it sounds like our settings are quite similar ;)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:00 pm

Lilith, thanks for the reply! I'll mess around with the brightness setting tomorrow, I might end up leaving it at center who knows? :)
Thanks again
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