Cat's Paw! Yup!
I do not believe that billiards is physically possible, even with very clever scripting. The collision radius of the balls is much larger than the balls and it would not be realistic. I thought early on that it would be possible to script "trick shots", but as I said, the physics don't allow for it. But the place must have pool tables IMO.
[edit] Oh yeah! The place looks great.
yeah, sadly at present feel your right. I wonder though if someway of putting together a game like 9Ball and as far as maybe the gambling part , make it like High/Low maybe guess what ball is gonna go in 1st then Second?
I wonder if we can make a game like pitching pennies, maybe bet on which side comes up when it bounces off the wall or I don't know bet on how close you can get to the wall , would probably have to use Caps, unless can make a coin mesh with a heads and tails sides>