Cat's Paw! Yup!
I do not believe that billiards is physically possible, even with very clever scripting. The collision radius of the balls is much larger than the balls and it would not be realistic. I thought early on that it would be possible to script "trick shots", but as I said, the physics don't allow for it. But the place must have pool tables IMO.
[edit] Oh yeah! The place looks great.
yeah, sadly at present feel your right. I wonder though if someway of putting together a game like 9Ball and as far aqs maybe the gambling part , make it like High/Low maybe guess what ball is gonna go in 1st then Second?
I wonder if we can make a game like pitching pennies, maybe bet on which side comes up when it bounces off the wall or I don't know bet on how close you can get to the wall , would probably have to use Caps, unless can make a coin mesh with a heads and tails sides>
The same could be said for GTA:SA, but they managed getting pool into the overal game by putting the [pool]game mechanics in a different cell, normally not accessable from the outside. So yes, you can see the pooltable, climb onto the table etc.. but it won't
be a pooltable until you enter a game with someone (and bet between $50 and $1000).
Because of the different cell, different physics can apply (or in this case, different collision radius for the balls). It would mean completely remodelling the table and poolballs and assigning special havok attributes to them, sothat when a character enters a poolgame environment, the new properties take hold and the character can play (but would be confined to the game environment unless wanting to 'exit' the game). If someone knows their way around modding GTA:SA or knows someone who knows their way around modding GTA:SA or frequents the GTA boards, their help'll be needed. Because that's where we'll most likely find an answer, since these mini games have been a staple of GTAs since forever.
noob believes that good answers can come from unlikely avenues