I've been working on this mod for ages and its done pretty well with the small group of six hundred odd unique downloads over at TesNexus, but I want to get it out into the public a bit more. The Initiative combines everything I thought a brilliant borderline mage would do. Essentially, it allows a player to take the dead and turn them into zombies, ghosts, daedra, and grants access to a bunch of nifty features.
Feature list:
-Gain power to control flesh and souls, including temporary shifting of attributes and seeing in the dark
-Recover the bodies of the fallen to create minions
-Create weapons, armor, and items using parts from the fallen
-Initiative armor (Courtesy of the Ranger Armor mod and the Pirate armor mod)
-Initiative Saber and Dagger (Courtesy of the Khajiit Realswords mod)
-Create permanent minions including the zombies, ghosts, daedra.
-Upgrade advanced minions to more powerful forms
-Give orders to your minions
-Get your own lair, with smaller subsections under each city's house
-Capture prisoners, interrogate, execute, ransom them, transfer at will (you can select a jail location and transport prisoners there, set up shop anywhere.)
-Gain more power as you learn the Dark Arts
-Buy mini sanctuaries under each city home and gain the ability to move between sanctuaries
-Teleport back to your main sanctuary when you are in danger,
-Recruit people to your sanctuary to become more powerful
-Learn to resurrect creatures and people
-Store your minions in soul vessels to ease transportation
-Skill progression: as you raise minions you learn more powers
-Use the alchemy area to create poisons, liquors, bake bread, and relax
-Machinery to duplicate ingredients and get bottles of human blood.
-Transmute ingredients to fit deficits.
-Grave robbing (beta integration, rob pieces from coffins and headstones coming soon hopefully.)
This mod is a conglomeration of many other ideas and pieces which I have pulled together to form my ideal dark mod. I hope some of you might be interested in this and it's out in a very stable beta right now.
Future plans:
-Amount of resources gathered dependent on your necromancy/summoning skill
-Improve prisoner taking and add requirements
-Make it important not to be seen while raising minions.
The mod can be found here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36414
I hope some of you find it interesting and download it. Its essentially practice for a future skyrim mod and has helped me learn the ropes of modding.