(WIP) The Elder Scrolls III: Sunfall

Post » Sun May 06, 2012 4:36 am

An update on some aspects of this mod:

+ Unlike the vanilla game, all three members of the Tribunal will have their own cities on Vvardenfell, known as Soulhold (Vivec), situated right where it is in the vanilla game, Hearthold (Almalexia), which will be located in the West Gash, and Crafthold (Sotha Sil), which will be found in the Grazelands. All three cities were built in the First Era, then remodeled a number of times over the many centuries since. Their designs somewhat reflect the personalities of the people who built/rebuilt them, which relates a bit to their favoring a particular member of the Tribunal.

+ The island of Vvardenfel is going to be a little smaller, and vanilla stuff is going to be scaled back per the effects of Dagoth Ur's work, as well as in order to facilitate adding in a number of very large structures (such as the two new aforementioned cities, and some House Dagoth fortresses) without destroying people's frame rates. Especially mine. The underworld of Vvardenfell is going to be more extensive than before, as that consists of interiors, which obviously don't eat up as much resources unless you go overboard. Which I probably will when I get around to building the insides of the House Dagoth fortresses, as they're going to be as equally enormous as the outsides will be.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 9:46 am

Will these cities be BIG like an actual city and unlike the vanilla game? And will they be more lively? I love the idea of this by the way.
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Post » Sat May 05, 2012 10:57 pm

Hearthold and Crafthold will be at least as big as Vivec is in the vanilla game. You have to bear in mind that some weeks before the mod takes place, Akulakhan was set loose on all the major cities (Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Gnisis, Ebonheart, Sadrith Mora, and the three Tribunal cities), and the Ash minions have done an excellent job of tearing all the other ones apart. If it isn't utterly obliterated or reduced to mere rubble, count on it being a haven for monsters. So what you see in Sunfall is not what the three Tribunal cities would've looked like if I just built them in their entirety and added them to the game (which I'm tempted to do, in a kind of "before the chaos" sampler or something).

Doesn't mean there won't be plenty to explore in Hearthold and Crafthold though, at least. As for them being "lively", depends on if you think taking part in big battles between Daedric creatures, werecreatures, Ash minions, and the undead is "lively". :tongue:

Also, House Dres and House Indoril will have holdings on Vvardenfell, so expect to see a great amount of burned up saltrice fields and ruined temples.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 12:53 pm

Will there be any...normal cities?
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 4:26 am

Soulhold (Vivec City) will be the only one with normal people living in it. Everywhere else, expect to deal with the types of NPCs/creatures you normally would be hunting down. In Sunfall, Dagoth Ur rules Vvardenfell, the law of House Dagoth is literally the law of the land, which means it won't be long before even Soulhold ceases to be a haven for the regular people of Morrowind.

This doesn't mean there aren't any normal people left on the whole island, however. It just means you'll generally have to go underground to find a lot of them.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat May 05, 2012 10:28 pm

Looks great Tonal!!! Really looking forward to this! Will the Great Houses still be active on my beloved (albeit heavily changed) Vvardenfell?
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Jessica White
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 4:50 am

Not all the important figures of the Great Houses have died or fled the island, so in a way, yes they're still active. For example, Bolyvn Venim is still around, and is going to be quite the powerful ally. You won't be able to join the Houses, what happens is that you form alliances with and between different factions working towards the same goal: destroying Dagoth Ur and his army of Ash minions. I don't think I mentioned this earlier, by ALL the Great Houses now have a presence on Vvardenfell.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 3:59 am

Alright, are there ANY joinable factions?
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 9:34 am

Yes, although the only one I can speak about right now is the Dark Brotherhood.

You have to keep in mind that Sunfall is a very different way of playing Morrowind. It doesn't just overhaul the MQ, and Vvardenfell, and Solstheim, the battle against Dagoth Ur becomes the whole point of playing. My intent is for things to be so visibly bad and chaotic that no one on the island, including the player, has any reason to indulge in anything that doesn't work towards saving Vvardenfell, the whole of Morrowind, and possibly Tamriel. Sunfall is the exact opposite of how Morrowind normally is. In the vanilla game, you can run around looting dungeons and become head of House Telvanni and build pillow forts all over the place, and it doesn't matter. The Ghostfence isn't going to fall apart, cities aren't going to get trashed by Ash and corprus monsters, and Dagoth Ur isn't going to do anything more than stand there in that cave, occasionally making fire appear in his hand and posing stupidly. Even when you embark on the MQ, things don't really get that bad.

In Sunfall, Dagoth Ur has been very busy, and his minions (and other things) are going to keep YOU, the player, very busy throughout the experience. And if you decide to just build pillow forts? Well, you'll see what happens... :devil:
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 2:19 am

Sounds great. As long as the DB is there, I'll be happy :devil:
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 12:09 pm

Yo man, do you have any screens yet?
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:39 am

I might tomorrow, as I plan to work a bit on the interiors for Soulhold (Vivec City). The tileset is your typical Velothi/Vivec stuff, but the design is going to be very different.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:01 am

This seems really great.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:01 am

i only saw this thread now, good luck friend! thats going to take a lot of work..

the DB quests and NPCs are going to be like on Oblivion\Skyrim or are you going to make them greyish like the vanilla morrowind factions?
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:05 am

i only saw this thread now, good luck friend! thats going to take a lot of work..

You have no idea. You really have no idea. :P

the DB quests and NPCs are going to be like on Oblivion\Skyrim or are you going to make them greyish like the vanilla morrowind factions?

I'm not sure what you mean, but I will say this, and perhaps it will tell you what you want to know...

The DB contingent on Vvardenfell goes through something that no other has really had to go through: a moment of reflection. They have to decide whether their usual way of life, their rules, their code, their traditions, their sense of right and wrong, is worth clinging to now that someone like Dagoth Ur has taken over the land they operate on. The DB has been able to weather the tenure of every ruler in Tamriel since the 2nd Era, and that has been primarily because most of those rulers, whether they be kings or queens of provinces or emperors of the entire continent, were not like the DB. They did not enshroud themselves in darkness, they did not engage in a business of murder.

But Dagoth Ur does. And he's open about it. And by the time he's done with Morrowind as a whole, there won't be anyone left living in it who doesn't serve him. His power will purge all who resist him, forever. The DB cannot survive his rule unless they destroy him, or run and hide from him. He will not make them allies, he does not trust them. He will not let them live their life, not as freely as they have been.

The player will need to deal with that conflict within the DB at some point. They will need to be on their guard...
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat May 05, 2012 8:44 pm

Okay, here's the deal:

This mod absolutely requires a heavily modifed chargen sequence in order to work. However, I have experienced frustrations far beyond what I'm willing to put up with in modifying the CharGen in even the simplest manner. So, unless someone can guarantee me that they can deliver the type of altered CharGen that I want, there's no point in doing any further work for Sunfall, making it officially abandoned.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:08 am

Well, I was gonna say "This sounds great, etc." but I know nothing about chargen and yeah. =/ I guess I'll still watch the thread anyway and see how it goes.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 12:33 pm

I both PM'ed you and posted in your "alternate chargen tutorial" thread, to try and help with your chargen issue
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 8:00 am

Well, I was gonna say "This sounds great, etc." but I know nothing about chargen and yeah. =/ I guess I'll still watch the thread anyway and see how it goes.

It's in limbo, so to speak. If I have sufficient assistance in getting the opening sequence to work the way I want it to, then Sunfall will most definitely be completed. Everything rides on the opening being perfect, though. It has to get running before I can work on anything else, because if what I want is going to be too problematic, then working on the rest of the mod will be a waste.

Either way, though, I'm going to be taking some time off working on Sunfall, probably at least a month, in order to learn some new skills and, hopefully, complete a mod that I'm really been wanting to do, and don't feel like putting off. It can be used in Sunfall, but, if it works, it'll be just fine on its own.

As for what this mod is, let's just say Trainwiz has inspired me.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 12:42 am

It's in limbo, so to speak. If I have sufficient assistance in getting the opening sequence to work the way I want it to, then Sunfall will most definitely be completed. Everything rides on the opening being perfect, though. It has to get running before I can work on anything else, because if what I want is going to be too problematic, then working on the rest of the mod will be a waste.

Either way, though, I'm going to be taking some time off working on Sunfall, probably at least a month, in order to learn some new skills and, hopefully, complete a mod that I'm really been wanting to do, and don't feel like putting off. It can be used in Sunfall, but, if it works, it'll be just fine on its own.

As for what this mod is, let's just say Trainwiz has inspired me.

Please keep working on everything else, until you get the chargen running. I would ask people who have done chargen mods for specific help, because they will be more likely than me to get that script running.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat May 05, 2012 9:41 pm

Please keep working on everything else, until you get the chargen running. I would ask people who have done chargen mods for specific help, because they will be more likely than me to get that script running.

I'll resume within a month from now. I seriously do need to hit the pause button on the project, for a time.
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Post » Sat May 05, 2012 9:03 pm

Was reading the "Why Mod Morrowind" thread, and the topic of voice acting reminded me to make the following known:

The major characters in Sunfall will be fully voiced, mainly for the purposes of allowing the player to witnesses conversations between them, which is going to be of great importance in the mod's MQ. When the player talks to them, most of the time, the exchange will be done through text, but certain events will require a bit of carefully scripted NPC-voice and text-based player response conversations.
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