I'm one of those odd ducks that voted 'Yes!'
Obviously I can't follow the progress on all of the mods that I would like to, but I follow as many as I can and post encouragement and suggestions when I feel the compulsion.
Yeah it's a shame more WIP aren't done in parts. So people can get a polished and finished mod that is still only a fraction of a larger mod and can be updated as new parts are finished.
This is exactly my own methodology.
Not directed at anyone posting here, just venting from years of observing these threads on the forum.I have always found the attitude toward large/total conversion mods to be very curious in this community: people dismiss them immediately, tell the aspiring modders that their work will never be completed and that their goals are impossible, and then bemoan the 'tide of vaporware' that continually assaults them. This is what we call a 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. It is little wonder that these mods disappear so quickly with the intense negativity that surrounds them.
There is, in fact, no
technical reason why
most of these mods couldn't be completed, there is simply little or no support for many of them. (Whether or not the idea appeals to a large enough group of people is another matter.) You can't in good conscience blame the current state of affairs entirely on noobs touting 'vaporware'. There is an equal amount of complicity from other modders. The fact of the matter is that it doesn't make sense for a modder to continue work on a mod if no one expresses any interest in it or if the responses are outright hostile; if someone comes up with an idea and everyone shoots them down, it is logical and practical to turn one's attention elsewhere.
Unfortunately, this gives the impression that the modder has merely 'conjured up' some vaporware; but it is not entirely accurate and truthful. What
has happened is that the modder has equated a lack of support with a lack of interest and chosen to pursue more practical ends. In the modder's eyes, their work would be wasted, even if it was completed, therefore, there is little incentive for the modder to work on it. Dropping an unpopular mod idea doesn't show a lack of dedication, but a realization of what the modder is truly up against. In most (but not all) of these cases of 'vaporware', the naysayers have simply gotten their way and convinced the modder not to continue working on the mod. And then had the good grace to accuse the modder of lacking dedication!
When it comes right down to it, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. (Unless it is a
friendly attempt to enlighten a prospective modder on a current engine limitation which may impact their mod concept.) Posting a 'this is never going to be completed' reply in such a thread is just inconsiderate and needlessly discourages people.
Conversely, if you
are interested in a mod concept, then
say so! Supply the modder with a little encouragement to let them know that the thousands of hours they are willing to invest in a project won't be wasted. Fewer negative replies and more positive replies will result in...more completed mods! It's that simple. A single encouraging reply to a WIP thread could supply a modder with weeks of additional energy and enthusiasm. A complete lack of expressed interest and pessimistic replies are almost certainly guaranteed to kill it. I'm sure many mods have been abandoned over the years simply because the modder has interpreted poor responses to WIP threads to an utter lack of interest in the mod when such interest may actually exist among a number of silent mod users.
This is not to say that real dedication isn't necessary to complete these kinds of mods, and that the modder does not bear responsibility for whether or not a concept comes to fruition, but idle spectators heckling from the sidelines should not be absolved of their own responsibility in promoting a sterile environment for total conversions in what could be argued as the single best development environment for creating exactly these kinds of mods.
Obviously, this subject is close to my heart because I am a TC modder myself with hundreds (thousands?) of hours already invested in my own project. I am no noob, and I am not lacking dedication, and I daresay theKarithian (creator of the Mesogea mod) has invested many times over the amount I have put into my own project and has done simply amazing work for what is essentially a one man team.
In my opinion, you have no right to complain about 'vaporware' until you have actually given someone a chance. Negative Nancy's are not welcome in these threads!
[/soapbox]That felt good! And if you actually read that whole thing, give me a wink.
That's dedication!