I started making some animations for Npcs.
Each animation will have its own esp file, this is because they may change some important Npcs and may conflict with other mod.
They can be of course also reused as resource
I don't know if you can hear, but there is also a sound for the quill ^_^
I was very disappointed the first time she told me "I clean this temple" but she didn't do it.
Now I fixed it

Here is a video of a drummer. I made him an Ashlander
The fact they are Npcs, means they can be used on both Better Bodies and vanilla Npcs. Thery are like every other Npc, so you can choose their race, you can choose hair, faces and clothes. They have normal dialogues and react normally if attacked.
Khuul is a fishing village
He can of course buy/sell/repair armor and weapons. And if you use also ABM he can make you armor and weapons at request.
in the Library of Vivec :read:
one of them is eating Corprus meat, as suggested by you
These dreamers will not attack on sight because they are dreaming :snoring:
Lette is a female Redguard who suffers the Swamp Fever. You, as member of the Temple, are sent to cure her, but she didn't look ill, so I made a short easy animation and sound for her.
I scripted her so that she will play this animation often (60%) until she gets cured
Comments for the animations in progress and suggestions for the future ones are welcome