Cool. I was just waiting for a version with all the animation, meshes, and scripts ironed out basically
All new stuff will be released has they come and are made....
yeah, strangely I'm even more impatient about that mod than about Tamriel Travellers, or NPCs with Jobs - which are great though! (well haven't tested NPCs but I'm sure it is and will be)!
No pression of course, but just be sure that we're a lot of people waiting patiently for this mod to progress =)
Well Sarkandar is the person who does the animation and most of this stuff is a combined team effort from Serveral different Modders..We all are busy people..
I've been following this mod since the very beginning, and am still really looking forward to it.
And CorePC, any chance there will be any tom-tom players roaming around. Anyone thats ever been to an outdoor Dead show knows from walking through the crowd that two or three dead heads sitting around thumping out some improvised rythms really adds to the ambience. Just curious as Audition comes with alot of drum samples.
Yes, we have the drum's but we just need to do the animation work for them..
Are you planning on using the incredible music from TES 2 DAGGERFALL? It really had some excellent atmospheric music especially for taverns with different ones playing at different times of the day. So during daylight hours it was usually happy playful music while at night it was calm soothing gonna go to bed soon music. There are remixes and mp3 conversions all over the internet available. Most of it with a very updated sound to it.
I will look for them and see what can be done..
I am working on this just take time...