(WIPZ/BETA) Minstrels of Cyrodiil (WIPZ/BETA)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:49 pm

Minstrels of Cyrodiil

New Today August 27 2007 for playing with ...

Here is the Dancer's part for Minstrels of Cyrodiil Test Version...

you need to download and install this first..from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12722 for the animations..


There are 7 different dancers around the Imperial City in each area ..expect the arena in which there are two ...

They are wearing black dress so you cannont miss them..just like the minstrel you talk to them or any npc talk to them they will dance for you...

Remember I did not make the animations so there are still some looping issue with some of them ..but this will give you a general idea ...no music yet also...

working on getting that to work with minstrels...



Download the Beta Here


Just a temp readme for now working on better one..

Goal of this mod ..It will Added Traveling Minstrels who play songs around various different cities in Cryodiil..

Using Music provided by Musician of the Modding community these songs will be heard..

Through the collaboration of several modders, this project is off and running at a break neck speed. This can truly be called a community project..The idea at this point is to get an NPC to emit a music file while standing around. Once this is achieved then the wheels set into motion to add animations that make the NPC look like he is playing a musical instrument. The end result will be a minstrel who can play music.

Think how cool it would be when you enter a Castle's main hall or an Inn at night and have 1 or possibly more minstrels playing music.

Once gets a little further into the creation of this mod, We will create more .

Also if you have a song or know of one that would be a good fit please post it here. No copyrighted material please.


My first sample music..http://oblivionminstrels.4shared.com/ and http://oblivionminstrels.4shared.com/ - these are just 2 songs to listen too..Wav and MP3.. All artists who have showninterest in this mod may use this folder to upload your songs too..Try to keep the file size small..

Beta - Minstrels of Cyrodiil early pics

Okay, Here are Some Early Pics of the Traveling Minstrel (Bard) - in the Ic Market District...In the first pic ..you can see the lute that is slung across his back..(it is set has a two handed weapon)..

In the second pic the lute it used in combat just to see what it looks like..I have not modified the lute or anything at all..It is just a little out of place in his hands..




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uegcb9OYOfQ - NEW

Beta Notes - you will need 7zip and extract to oblivion\data\ folder and tell it yes to overwrite folders ..

You will Find 3 Minstrels in the IC City, and all other Town have Minstrels

1) This is the first beta release and there are still many things to work out yet..

2) This is a test to see how you are going to like the music script and the lute animation..

3) The Npcs only have wander packages so they do not go indoors yet, travel, or anything like that..Will in the future..

4) The lute is considered a shield but and can be equipped like a shield by either the player or npc ..It was designed to work like this so that the right hand could simulate the strum of the lute..

5) The sound script that play the song is designed to work from a distance when you around the minstrel..Just like any other enviroment sound (aka bird, water, wind,) ..So if you are not hearing but see them then move closer or turn down the music volume to half way and turn enviroment sound at 75% or higher..Also if in combat with them and you kill the minstrel the song will keep playing until you move away..and if you take the lute the song will keep playing from the dead minstrel (this is temp until I fix it)

6) They sometimes unequip the lute when walking but will requip the item when talking to an npc ..They will keep playing the lute will talking also to npc or players in dialouge menu..

7) The current animation does not work with eat/sleep packages has of yet..So if you try to get them to do this they will attempt to do this..But it will not work..The lute has be unequipped and the idle animation has to be changed..This is only temporary unitl we can fix it...

8) If you plan on using this in your mod then please Ask on the Elder Scrolls forum & give Credit to Minstrel of Cryodiil team..

9) How to change replace the minstrel song with your song of choice

1) Convert your mp3, wma, or whatever type song into a mono wave file 11khz using any music editor , audacity, etc..

2) After song has been converted you need to rename this song to either musictest1 or moccalaghan and end in .wav ( will only work in wav format)

3) Copy this song to \oblivion\data\sound\fx\moc\ and tell it yes to overwrite..


Team Members -

Developers - Corepc , Jlf2n, Sarkandar, Mwoo769, Grue,

Minstrel Players - HxcBear, Carel de Winter, Jusan, Lemonentry, Others

New - Keter Sephiroth - for converting over the Dancing Animations from Mocap...
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:47 pm

Finally someone who saw this missing as well! Great job, I'll be tracking this one!
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:58 pm

From Old Thread Some things..

How about a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/Tarnsman/Oblivion%20Screens/Harpsichord.jpgin the Tiber Septim Hotel? That's Dongle's harpsicord from MW converted into a working OB one. Have it set up as an activator so with some scripting you be able to sit down at the bench (also Dongle's) and play some tunes. Now all we need is the animation.

The HarpsiChord

I have a violin/fiddle mesh and some animations (max though, I use blender) from a cooperation some months ago with proconsul.
He became inactive since october though, and he made the violin&animations. I can try to get a permission, if he reacts to a common mail.

This is the animation:

This is the violin:

The Violin Animation..

Nemon Posted Today, 09:20 AM
Finally someone who saw this missing as well! Great job, I'll be tracking this one

You are welcome this is just the start of it..

I will work on the next beta update this Week..I have been very busy with Npc with Jobs, and that is taken up most of my time..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 am

When hammerfist gets some finetuning done regarding the object, we'll have this one too:

Forgot to add this one..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 pm

And, as far as I didn't miss it, we still need a bow for the violin/fiddle.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:13 am

And, as far as I didn't miss it, we still need a bow for the violin/fiddle.

Yes, this is the other thing that we need..that bow ...Perhaps we can have one of npc jobs members make one for us..that would take him no time..I imagine..
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:17 pm

Yes, this is the other thing that we need..that bow ...Perhaps we can have one of npc jobs members make one for us..that would take him no time..I imagine..

We have got someone to make the bow for the violin animation...So this will be the next instrument put into play has soon has this is done..
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:15 am

I have a question; is the lute animation+music playing all good and working in this beta? Because if it is it would only take me a few minutes to add packages and voila! I'd have myself some travelling minstrels.
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Marquis T
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:50 am

I have a question; is the lute animation+music playing all good and working in this beta? Because if it is it would only take me a few minutes to add packages and voila! I'd have myself some travelling minstrels.

Yes, Animation + Music works has is..but, it has not fullly been tested with all the ai packages available..But, I would like to know..I have been very busy with other stuff and just have not had the time to test all ai packages out with them..

I am going to update ai this week and have them travel city to city anyways..

And work on the new sound script's for each one so they can play different music ..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:16 am

Any news?

I really like how the project has been going so far.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 am

Any news?

I really like how the project has been going so far.

I may have a updated beta out later today..With updated Ai packages and routines..

But no new animations yet..I am still waiting for someone to finish working on the violin bow for that..
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

I may have a updated beta out later today..With updated Ai packages and routines..

But no new animations yet..I am still waiting for someone to finish working on the violin bow for that..

Thanks for the quick answer. My dream is to see in Cyrodill something like the tavern that exists in Caldera withe the mod "clothier of Vvardenfell"... there is a band on stage and dancers...

I know we're far from it, but hey... i think i can survive with your mod;)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

Thanks for the quick answer. My dream is to see in Cyrodill something like the tavern that exists in Caldera withe the mod "clothier of Vvardenfell"... there is a band on stage and dancers...

I know we're far from it, but hey... i think i can survive with your mod;)

That is the goal something like that..A least 3-4 that travel toghether playing music perhaps even a dancer too..

Sarkandar does some amazing animation work see here..and watch it also..

From the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=705435&st=110

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:41 pm

You are top of the gamers choise...ok.. I will download this and put in in my curent game, still I say -- look for the 'crowded roads mod' on TES -- it is an older one * and make it work along with the TT because I use it and it is fine with TT for OOO but the travelers (some are on foot an some on the mount) are always 1/2 of your level (and that is not very 'nice' when you use OOO and you are high level player)

I salute you my friend!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 pm

That is the goal something like that..A least 3-4 that travel toghether playing music perhaps even a dancer too..

Sarkandar does some amazing animation work see here..and watch it also..

From the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=705435&st=110


I second you, amazing animations indeed! thank you for the link and good luck for your mod
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:58 am

You are top of the gamers choise...ok.. I will download this and put in in my curent game, still I say -- look for the 'crowded roads mod' on TES -- it is an older one * and make it work along with the TT because I use it and it is fine with TT for OOO but the travelers (some are on foot an some on the mount) are always 1/2 of your level (and that is not very 'nice' when you use OOO and you are high level player)

I salute you my friend!

Thank you..Crowded Roads is very old and those npc in it are not very strong they have a level limitation to them..versus mine which are not capped..always higher level than the player..

I second you, amazing animations indeed! thank you for the link and good luck for your mod

Yes, just wait till I put the dance animation with npc without armor it will look that much better..and idle resource is going to be great also..Sarkandar is truly a modding god..He makes them I add them into the game and bring them to life ..
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:43 pm

My God, I forgot ALL about this mod. I'm so glad to see how far it has progressed, and that it didn't get abandoned.

Excellent work, my friends.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:36 am

I may have a updated beta out later today..With updated Ai packages and routines..

But no new animations yet..I am still waiting for someone to finish working on the violin bow for that..

Not happening Tonight ..Maybe in the next few days..Having trouble with aipackages and getting the animation to work correctly when using certian aipackages like eat and other certain conditions..Going to try again Monday..

My God, I forgot ALL about this mod. I'm so glad to see how far it has progressed, and that it didn't get abandoned.

Excellent work, my friends.

I have been very busy but have not forgotten about this..Hopefully I will have the next beta out in the next few days..No new animation's yet..
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 am

School has gotten in the way a lot lately, but I'm still working. I have the beginings of a bow. I'll finish the shape, but I need someone to do the uv mapping cause I dont know how to yet, and I have a ton of summer work :P
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:24 am

were you still going to try to add the sounds to the animation? like what sarkandar found whilst he was finding out about the facial expressions? you know attach a sound to an object or are we still going to have to script the music?
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 am

This is going to add MUCHO realism to this game. Never give up, team!!!
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 am

School has gotten in the way a lot lately, but I'm still working. I have the beginings of a bow. I'll finish the shape, but I need someone to do the uv mapping cause I dont know how to yet, and I have a ton of summer work :P

When the shape is fixed, I can already start working on arm positioning.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:47 am

School has gotten in the way a lot lately, but I'm still working. I have the beginings of a bow. I'll finish the shape, but I need someone to do the uv mapping cause I dont know how to yet, and I have a ton of summer work :P

No rush...Once you finish the bow..I can find somebody to help with the UV map..

were you still going to try to add the sounds to the animation? like what sarkandar found whilst he was finding out about the facial expressions? you know attach a sound to an object or are we still going to have to script the music?

I thought about this then I would have to make animation for each and every instrument and song...And would have to make serveral different ones in order for different songs to be played..

Better the way I have it now..scripted sounds..

This is going to add MUCHO realism to this game. Never give up, team!!!

Trying our best...But, I am very busy with other projects like NpcwithJobs..

When the shape is fixed, I can already start working on arm positioning.

Always the busy bee ...
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:20 am

The sound script that play the song is designed to work from a distance when you around the minstrel..Just like any other enviroment sound (aka bird, water, wind,) ..So if you are not hearing but see them then move closer or turn down the music volume to half way and turn enviroment sound at 75% or higher..Also if in combat with them and you kill the minstrel the song will keep playing until you move away..and if you take the lute the song will keep playing from the dead minstrel (this is temp until I fix it)

If you're looking for a solution to play music directly (like MinstrelPlay "something.wav" ), it is possible through a simple OBSE plugin. I can write something for you that plays files.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:01 pm

plz provide a mirror in tessource
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