What's This Mods Goal?: The goal for this mod is to create Cyrodiil. Notice the word "create", and not "recreate". The focus of this mod will be creating an intriguing, politically charged, culturally detailed setting to the province of Cyrodiil to be placed in the same worldspace as Skyrim. This mod will not take what was in Oblivion, fast forward it, and plop it in TES V. This mod will take into account the plot that happened in Oblivion, the lore that existed that described the land and the people pre-Oblivion, and the architecture from various real world sources mixed with Oblivion's architecture, to try and create a fresh, new look for Cyrodiil that will be nostalgic enough for TES 4 players while still being a brand new experience. I understand everybody who has read lore has an opinion on how Oblivion should have looked and what it means now that Bethesda set up the game the way they did so let me say a few things. 1) Ive already decided the direction Im going on this and Ill most likely not be swayed differently. 2) I thought Oblivion was one of the ten best games Ive ever played. 3) I think Morrowind is the greatest game ever created. 4) The way the pre-Oblivion PGE describes Cyrodiil just makes my imagination spark. So thats why its set up in this manner.
Whats My Modding Background? Ive messed around in the Oblivion CS a little bit but not much. Ive spent enormous amounts of time in Morrowind's CS. The first mod I started was in October of 2008 and it was a province mod called Argonia. I failed numerous times and restarted the project constantly. It went from this: http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj265/zackgwin/ZackGs%20Argonia/MGEScreenshot8-9.jpg to this: http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj265/zackgwin/ZackGs%20Argonia/Argonia10-1.jpg. Truthfully, I went about things all wrong from the beginning and the lessons were always learned in retrospect. I took over another project, creating Cyrodiil for Morrowind. That project was going reasonably well and would have seen some form of a release had not my laptop been stolen from my apartment in the beginning of May (although, to his credit, their current leader, SamirA, is doing a much better job then I was doing). I've also released new tree models and a few retextures for Morrowind. With that being my history I will say this- I am not a great leader of a project. I typically work in spurts where I can produce more than most others can in a short amount of time but then nothing for a month or so. I can take on more work then I can finish and then become overburdened. But I do love to mod and I do really want to finish a province mod, so I am giving this another dedicated shot, and this time I am taking what I've learned leading past projects to ensure this is handled as efficiently as possible.
What Will the Plot Be Like?: Until Skyrim, there will not be a plot. Im very big into political plots so until we find out the situation in Cyrodiil as presented in TES 5, dont expect any large plot discussions.
What will the people be like?: This mod will try to divide the people of Cyrodiil as much as possible between sub-cultures while still making them feel like they are different from every other race collectively. Expect the differences of the Nibenese and the Colovians to become much, much more obvious, in culture, visually, in tradition, and in attitude.
What will the land look like? The land will be made with a heightmap as a template, using Skyrim as a means of scale when its released. This means the heightmap will not be done until Skyrim is out. Expect the shape of the land to remain like Oblivions, but there to be many, many more rivers and streams.
What will the flora be like? The flora will be inspired primarily by the description given in pre-Oblivion text. Like I said, I thought Oblivion was a great game and the absolutely gorgeous, but I am going with the jungles and temperate forest description. These will be worked on before Skryim ever is released (and obviously they will continue to be worked on after the release) and many of them should be done in small amounts of time. When Skyrim is released, they will be scaled to proper size, exported, and be ready to be placed in the game world pending a file exporter for the 3d modeling programs.
What will the architecture look like? Much more roman inspired without being roman knockoffs. Roman on fantasy steroids minus whatever is too cliche plus whatever the environment requirements of the surrounding land. I thought the Imperial City was magnificent and while it had Ayleid buildings in there, the architecture of that city was leaps and bounds more interesting then the other cities. The modeling of these has already begun.
Screenshots? Videos? SHOW US SOMETHING!! No =-)
This thread marks almost the very beginning of the start of this mod. You will see it progress day by day, week by week. As of now, nothing to show. As for the future, stay tuned =-)