This is the topic in which you may read about her untimely demise...
What the Sanctuary will entail:
editor shot:
The Sanctuary will have most if not all of the tapestries from Morrowind Hero's. If I can get some volunteers, I will place some people from the forums here in the sanctuary. There will also be a place to rest, and storage and just peaceful places to relax and think.
What the Shrine will entail is:
It will be on a floating island, the shrine is custom along with the tapestries, urns, and two books to be included. There will be tapestries of mods she created. There will be music in the background chosen by Nikki that will activate when you enter the shrine. You may pray to the shrine and receive the blessing of Lord Devil/Quatloos.
Scripting of blessing and all other needs by Fliggerty.
We have a wayshrine reminiscent of Oblivion coming in from vality7.
We have a grand sceptre being made by Dragon_Lance.
Music submitted by Nikki.
Sanctuary submitted by Shannon.
Retexture of the sky for the sanctuary submitted by DJGamer.
New flora created by Clavis
Screenshots submitted by Raccoonism.
Etheral light race submitted by Westly.
Robes for the honor guard submitted by Westly.
A book detailing Q's mods and a tapestry or two are being done by midgetalien.
A book of quotes from LD/Q by Somnabulist
What is needed is:
I need two urns. One for Lord Devil, one for Quatloos.
A book of comments from The Community (currently a WiP)
I need a retexture of a hammer.
I need a retexture of a quill.
I need a screenshot of Summit. Someone, somewhere has got to have one....
I need NPCs of people who will be in the Sanctuary. This can be any number of people, as we can script you to come and go, so the place doesn't have to be crowded, but as far as I am concerned, the more the merrier.
There will be no ability to engage in combat of any kind from the start of the boat trip, through to the island, the sanctuary, nor the shrine. Also, you will not be able to take anything from these places unless you are intended to.
This list will get updated as people contribute. If I have missed anything so far, please let me know, there were a LOT of pages to sift through to find all of this stuff.