This is a neat mod! Good luck, can't wait to see more!
This is a neat mod! Good luck, can't wait to see more!
Just a thought, I don't really know much about how the characters are rigged and such but would it be possible to create versions of existing face/head meshes that work with the new modified BB meshes you're making for this? I too have gone back to the vanilla faces but the work Westly has done updating them has been fantastic so far and I'd love to see his faces combined with your faces. If it's too much trouble to bother with then I'll deal, I'd spring for your faces over the ones we've been using any day.
It could be done, yes - but I don`t see the point, to be honest. It`s like putting a band aid on a gashing wound, you know.
And just to be safe, I`d like to point out (YET AGAIN) that I`m NOT woking on the bodies b/c I don`t know how and am IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE WITH IT.
I`ll probably repeat that again and again and again...I think of it as chanting, you know. progressing well so far.
Those eyes look good. How are you doing that? Is it just the texture, or a texture effect?, although the eyes are what bothers me the most and will be repainted.
Just to show an interesting tecnic around eyes.
Can you consider this like a possibility?
Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult to adjust the eye socket area on the new meshes and then import in the eyes from the Better Eyes heads. Hopefully
I can understand why MacKom would be reluctant to include moving as opposed to painted on eyes though.
You could always "solve" sort of speaking this problem by including extra races wich use estándar BB format and therefore are compatible with every old and new head replacer (that considering your skintone changes would look more like half-breeds) but maybe that′s a patch for someone else to do.... since it could inicialy mean a lot of tedious work to change every race asignment on old heads to make them available to the estándar races, and also manualy change some NPC′s around morrowind to look halfbreed so your carácter is not one of the kind.
I never used that mod and I probably won`t integrate it into my mod for 2 reasons -
1.) it (probably) includes animating the eyes, and I don`t know the first thing about animation. I`m still worried as to how I`m going to make the blink/talk animation, and am not looking forward to it.
2.) Shadows. If there are no shadows on the eyes, they have a constant "glare" effect to them, which looks highly unnatural. This is why I paint in shadows on my eyes. They are separated from the head mesh, tho, so technically someone could animate them, but you`d get this weird shadow texture showed in your face when the eyes move and, again, it looks very unnatural. Plus, eye tracking is not a game making or game breaking feature IMO so I`ll leave it out.
I will not be doing that, no. I do understand that there are head packs that have a "cult" standing in the community by now, and some of them really are amazing, but we need to move on. Make this an even better looking game than it was.
To illustrate - OpenMW will allow using normal maps on your characters. This should fix those vertex normal shadowing bugs and also give more definition to both bodies and faces. Slapping a normal map on existing head meshes will make them look better, but they will still be very low poly heads with slapped on normal maps. finished. The base mesh still needs some work. I want to really make it look when deformed in different ways, as I`ll pull out other races and shapes from them. Technically, the biggest issue now is fitting the BB meshes. After that gets done, I see nothing from stopping me from speeding things up and making a full set.
Poor MacKom, ppl here obviously have no idea what amount of work you've taken onto yourself.
Facial morphs are no big deal it's just like 2-3 freeze frames of the mesh and a transition between them at given time. It's even possible to copy those morphs from one head to the other, given you don't change the vert count.
I'd suggest to make the eyes as lowpoly halfspheres, you can use texture replacers easily that way plus shadow is applied automatically. Eyes don't need to be animated, it's just billboard trickery. Never done it myself, but afaik in Blender you just need to add a "track to constraint" to a camera. Exporter should autocreate the corresponding NiBillboard node. Bet it ain't much more difficult to do in 3ds max.
My point exactly thats why I said that if such a feature or "forced compatibility was intended it is a job for someone else who is interested in doing it...(with your permisión of course), I was just saying that is hard to make it compatible and that it will clash in the long term but not imposible.... after all the many moded races both lore correct or incorrect suported or unsuported in vainilla morrowind are still usable and for anyone who wishes to use it is posible to créate your patch with the race and head you like and have all any other NPC using your heads. I understand that this is not your intent and I agree, just say that if anyone want it... it can be done.
By the way its cool to finish every post/answer with a wip-screen it serves as a good "period" jajaja its coming along nicely congratulations!