I decided it would probably be a good idea to start my own thread and stop hogging the "What are you currently working on" topic. Anyways -
- an attempt to create better head meshes for Morrowind characters, similar to Skyrim/Oblivion system
- slightly higher poly count with modeled in jawline, ears and neck for more detailed looking characters
Morrowind is still a very popular game, which projects like OpenMW and Skywind prove on a daily basis. Thanks to advancement in all areas concerning game dev, as well as efforts made by modders to bring everything up to date, we will be able to give this game a face lift it needs and deserves. I opted for new heads as this is something I care about, want to see redone and currently drives me up the wall. We already have Better bodies, so it only makes sense to bring heads up to date as well.
CURRENT STATUS - pre-alpha/proof of concept
WNTBD (What Needs To Be Done)
- optimize the base head mesh
- make racial / gender morphs
- fit Better Bodies meshes for seamless look (currently the only thing that`s hindering the development, as it is out of my expertise)
- make high poly sculpts and bake normal maps (OpenMW will allow us to use them)
- hand paint textures
- beta testing
- ???
- profit
Pictures will be posted as soon as I have enough posts to be able to post them...also, this sentence makes no sense.
Questions, comments and assistance encouraged and welcome.