» Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:40 am
Been testing the beta and have seen no bug so far, except the fact that from time to time, the minstrels quit their playing lute animation and keep walking in the streets (and the music is still playing), but after talking to them, they resume playing again.
BTW, the name Bart Bardus made me laugh, quite appropriate for a bard...
Thank you so much for this mod! Even if it's far from being finished, I'm already loving it.
If I could give a few ideas for the future:
- travelling bards and dancers going from an inn to an other (well upper class inn) and maybe a permanent band in the most important inn/hostels, like the tiber septim hotel.
- creation of a theatre (I'm dreaming...), maybe some noble in the IC or elsewhere would want to be a protector of artists.
- possibility to hire a bard that would play where you tell him to play (for instance, like in the dinner room of my castle). Maybe you could create a sort of mark that the player could place where he wants?
- Jugglers with the bards etc...
Thank you for the hard work!