i wish for a co,op mode

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 pm

:obliviongate: ok hi every 1, im new at this but, iv been waiting a few years now for a game like morroin or oblivion but that u can invite a few friends, i mean im ok whit a co,op of 2 players, for example, saint row, idk if any of u guys have played saint row 2, its full story co,operative and its a blast of funn :woot: but, i have pay to the good game named borderlands, i loved and its full story co,op whit 4 players! :clap: and yes iamgin that cuality of funn and crazy coments and mistakes of ur friends, its a moment that its gona last forever in ur memory , unless ur videotaping it lol but, lets be honest sometimes, a good game, its a good game cuss ur friends were there, making funny mistakes, or crazy suicidal attacks lol :lmao: , so yeah! iv been diying for a ncool game like morrowin whit a 2 player or 4, player, and ya i know about the mods, but im talking about a playstation3 game, and xbox , well a multyplatform game, :rock: and im saying it cuss i buy the crappy game two world and damm! its svcks, on the ps3 and xbox, the game was horrible! :gun: two world, was like lagging even wen i was offline, lol and the story was eehhh boring, the online mode was 4 player co,op, but no story, it was horrible online mode, the world was not full open and the mission dont give nothing epic or something important, just money, the co,op mode dint have any motive, or story, idk how hard is to make a morroin game or oblivion whit another player on it, im not asking for 4 player game im good whit 2 player , and well if u guys are gona tell me to buy demon soul, well i haved, and its kinda svcky, the way the players look, on the game, they are ghost, and thats eehhhh not very inspiring i cant see the armor or wepon, i mean no details, and for me thats svcks, the best stuff of a co,op game is that u can show off the cool items that u find wen u was exploringthe open world, or the cool wepon u got wen u killed a demon or dragon or a zombie, i most admit, the game of morrowin scare me more than the oblivion game the ghost and zombies of morrowin were more scary than the ones in oblivion, thats my opinion! :).. :lol:
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 am

yeah! i want a co,op game, its cool if its futuristic as fallout or medieval like oblivion and morrowind! :) :goodjob:
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 pm

You can discuss multiplayer here:
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Emily Jones
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