Skyrim did a better job of it than Oblivion so hopefully they continue this trend and eventually have large scale battles of epic proportions. Oblivion IMO really needed larger battles for the Oblivion crisis, felt lackluster due to the small skirmishes. I don't doubt that next gen will bring the technology that we need for such things.
I haven't played Skyrim since finishing all the DLC back in January, but when I was doing the civil war questlines I definetly felt the same way. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the questline a lot, especially the final battle, however they really could've been a lot better - when I think of the Imperial Legion, I don't imagine a few guys charging toward a few Stormcloaks and battling for control of a tiny fort.
I could probably understand of the game isn't able to handle large amounts of people fighting as well as the huge world at the same time, which is probably the most likely reason. Still, I thought the battles were still good, even though they could have been much bigger and more intense.
So... Medieval Total War in first person?
But yeah, hopefully next gen can bring some bigger battles (among other things) to the game.
Way I see it. Civil war quest-line was Bethesda testing the waters. They'll likely be able to take it up a notch or two for the next game.
More like Chivalry:medieval warfare without respawns and on a larger map
I agree with the OP , ideally we needed much larger cities and more npc , but perhaps the engine couldn't really handle it and since the game was due to be released on consoles , they had to dumb down the possibilties tbh because of the low amount of RAM memory
the good news is the next generation of consoles seem to be quite powerful , so i expect the next Elder scrolls to be a great improvement in term of scale and depth hopefully
Maybe your playing the wrong game...
Their are RTS games for this type of thing.
Agreed, I wish skyrim was like 300 where they charge at each other, except its the stormcloaks and the legion charging at each other.
Well, the battles are CERTAINLY an improvement over the embarassing 12-man skirmishes of Oblivion.
But I know what you mean. The issue with the size of the battles is deeper routed in the general issues with scale in the current TES universe.
You can read books in the world about battles of thousands+, and then participate in the Battle of Whiterun in a representation of Skyrim where 1000 people barely fit in the entire province (I don't know, that might be a bit of an exaggeration)
And then you have the 700 steps (notice the missing '0').
The scale in general needs to be massively improved upon in the future (technological improvements willing, of course).
I personally would like to return to Skyrim in the future, when the scale is set straight, but who knows.
60 VS 60 is too much, this aint the right game for it.
Assuming we're going to be raiding cities in the next TES game...
I wish we had better cities.
"Whiterun is one of the central trading centers of Skyrim."
There are like 4 shops and 20 citizens. Hopefully next-gen will deliver better cities and better battles for both the Fallout series and the Elder Scrolls series.
(I said "I agree with over-kill" because it was the poster i was quotings name, FYI)
anyways, to answer your question:
For a war simulation, Empire vs Thalmor it would be awesome.
Trouble is why stop there? What about massed battles all over Tamriel?
I think they're wary of it because Beth could go overboard with it and change the direction of the series from RPG to 'Battlezone.'
I would love to see it but on a limited basis. The battles in the CW actually felt like a pitched battle at times, at Fort Greenwall it seemed like my character carried most of the battle and probably was. You don't have to have massive numbers of enemies to get to that point. Still I woud like to see some epic battles but on a limited basis, take on some rough fights but leave the rest of the game as TES has always been, FRPG rather than a military simulation.