My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ConstructionSet.ini ==> uGridsToLoad=NN
The CS will load NN x NN cells. I think it must be an odd number.
I have just increased mine from 11 to 19.
Thank you!! :hugs: That's going to greatly improve my life!
I'm still taking requests, btw.
:wub: You da best.
In that case, would it be possible for an alternate "snap to grid" mode that snaps objects to the bounding boxes of other nearby objects. That would be incredibly useful for tilesets that don't quite fit together seamlessly, or if you have scaled the meshes at all. Or if you've rotated the meshes, etc. I get tired of having to build something out of the way, and then rotate it as a group into the right position.
Infact, that gives me another idea: the ability to alternate between rotating and scaling groups of objects as a group or individually in a group. For example, at the moment, if you have built a cathedral using Mr Siika's meshes, (as I just have) and then decide that you want it to bigger, you can't just simply scale up the whole thing, as that scales the individual pieces, which you then have to reposition, which is very irritating. If you could scale the whole group as a single object, that would simplify things. (I'm thinking a modifyer key)
Without a doubt, the "Modders' Modder"! :wub:
One thing that would be nice is the ability to assign any available spell icon to a scripted spell. As it stands now, the only way to do that is to add an effect that uses the desired icon.
Actually a mod/utility that can do that was released a while ago: