Uuuh... I really don't know what you mean. What kind of influence does it have on your choice of factions who you happen to run away from a burning village with? I liked being involved in things right from the start - it made it easier to roleplay for me. The only way to actually explore your character's personality is bouncing it off on others - and those others usually need a reason to let you do so. Imagine moving to a new town shouting "Hi! I'm
I ran away with the soldier dude, went to White River, went through the main quest (because it felt natural), and I still haven't joined either the Stormcloaks or the Imperials. The beauty of the main quest is that it works completely without the factions. Besides, what hinders your character to change their mind? You can still decide you like the Stormcloaks better, even if you run away with the soldier.