I wish the game didnt push you into starting the main quest

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:16 pm

OK, fine.

So because other people want to RP differently than you is it inherrently wrong? You enjoy playing a PC that doesn't return kindness, cool. Some people don't want to play like that. That's all it is to it. Some people want to be able to return the favor to their benefactors without being snowballed into the MQ. Is that really a lot to ask for?

It wouldn't have taken much, one sentence of dialogue, to satisfy both views but Bethesda, since Oblivion, seems to have consciously chosen to no longer to do that.

That's what, IMO, I think is the crux of the conversation.

Could you please point out were I said it was "inherrently wrong"? I must have missed that.

If you choose to play a char that does return kindness but you the gamer doesn't want to, is that really the games fault then?
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Scott Clemmons
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