Complaining about this is like complaining about the gaming making you a dragonborn, 'why the heck did bethesda make me the dragonborn, why was I forced into being a hero again, and why did my mother have an affair with a dragon'.
Ive seen people complain about that here. no word of a lie
No because at that time Hadvars uncle will tell(almost beg) you to go to Winterhold. Then, from Winterhold to Bleakfalls, then to highrothgar, etc.
Each time it compels you to do the main quest. Where as in Morrowind, Ciaus will tell you to go explore and do guild quests.
really? so helping Farengar with his dragon research was so compelling you couldnt just say "Imma just going to go check out that mammoth over there first"
So people want an epic and compelling MQ line that adds significance to our world, but, we dont want to feel too pressured to do it by NPCs and journal entries :confused: . The quest line itself provides plenty of "down time" to make you feel like you can go and do other things without the world ending.