I wish there was a V.A.T.S system on Skyrim.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:51 am

Could anyone explain what this system is?

It is a slow-motion kill system in Fallout 3/ Fallout New Vegas that uses Action Points. The more Action points your character has the more attacks they can do in VATS. Makes long-range attacks easier after some leveling/perks in the appropriate weapon type and saves your life when an enemy gets the drop on you, just enter VATS and waste them. Also, VATS stops time while you choose your targets and you can target individual body parts on enemies and multiple enemies if you have enough AP.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:35 am

I love VATS. But it is a Fallout thing - and I believe it should stay there.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:52 am

I think bethesda is past the stage of suggestions
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elliot mudd
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:27 pm

Problem with VATS was that it was a carry-over feature from a turn based game that was implemented in a real time sequel.

ES has no such strings attached and has always been a real time game from Arena onward.

I personally don't like VATS because:
1. There's no gameplay in it.
2. It's always the optimal choice in close range gun combat. It's nearly impossible to outperform it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:31 am

dismemberment would definitely be cool
especially if it added some gameplay mechanics
like big monsters having to be slowly chopped to bits or certain parts being more vulnurable or whatever

but a straight transfer from fallout complete with time freezing and auto targetting would be way too much
kind of like how they managed to make combat more interesting with the slow time/shield bash and whatnot
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:40 pm

If they made melee more brutal, it could look awesome.
Seriously, why is there no proper dismemberment?

Because despite popular belief, taking any limb besides a finger off is extremely difficult unless its fixed against a hard surface. People don't wear bulky armor only so they can lose an arm easily.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:07 pm

Because despite popular belief, taking any limb besides a finger off is extremely difficult unless its fixed against a hard surface. People don't wear bulky armor only so they can lose an arm easily.

But the thing that made Fallout insane is the fact that you could hit someone with a pool cue and they'd explode into 100 pieces.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 pm

But the thing that made Fallout insane is the fact that you could hit someone with a pool cue and they'd explode into 100 pieces.

I used to enjoy VATS, but then I took an arrow to the knee and my arm exploded.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:02 pm

No VATS thanks, it's already enough like Fallout with the perks, it doesn't need any more Fallout-ification.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:52 am

But the thing that made Fallout insane is the fact that you could hit someone with a pool cue and they'd explode into 100 pieces.

thats because Fallout is supposed to have a very dark sense of humor and you know you can still chop people's heads off
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:23 pm

Ugh, no. V.A.T.S was what made me seriously dislike Fallout 3. It makes the game -far- too easy.

Yeah... It's V.A.T.S that would make Skyrim too easy. Not the countless exploits.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:02 am

And then Sneak Archers became the most powerful beings in the world
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:43 pm

This game has stealth and lock picking, it must be a Thief clone...
This game lets you get married and buy houses, it must be a Fable clone...
If people had their request for a "hardcoe mode" as seen in FO NV then with the need to eat, drink and sleep paired with getting married and buy a house to live in, then that would make it a Sims clone...

Get real, importing a strong point of other games doesn't mean it's a clone of that game.

Now, I would've liked hit location to matter. I've even made a suggestion on it before the game even came out..

Head: dmg x2
Torso: dmg x1
Legs: dmg x.75
arms: dmg x.5

Of course a system like vats in a game like TES would mean that using melee in vats should allow you to pick different body parts and not treat the entire body as one as done in the FO games.
The npcs and player can then be subject to disabilities like a crippled leg that will slow you down (good tactic for ranged would be to crit on the legs and try to take them out first) or cripple the off hand to make the enemy drop their shield or off hand weapon or be unable to use a bow. Cripple the main hand to prevent power attacks or the head to prevent casting.

It definitely provides an increased level of depth to the combat system. Mind you that it is slightly better than Oblivion's Block, swing, swing, block, swing, swing, repeat til dead (you or them).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:33 pm

But the thing that made Fallout insane is the fact that you could hit someone with a pool cue and they'd explode into 100 pieces.

:laugh: That's epic.

These forums confuse me. One day everyone screams for realism. The next day, they want person exploding pool cues. Very confusing indeed.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:59 pm

I love VATS. But let's keep that aspect of gameplay distinct to Fallout.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:59 pm

No... no ...no..
Fall Out uses an entirely different style of levelling. I'll be honest I like it more.. (exp. based on kills and finished quests) but I love the way they implemented the TES way of leveling in Skyrim.
Some might call it aimed at the casual player but for me I like how it took out the annoyances of previous games. No fear of over leveling.(TES IV) The skill you use make your character.... etc.. (for example I hated Morrowind for the luck skill... come on I can't even hit a rat.. aaarghh )
However as stated VATS is a translation of a turn based system into a real time fp RPG. And done very well I might add... However it has absolutely no place in a game like skyrim.
At least VATS has some kind of bogy scientific explanation behind it... (via the pipboy), and let's not forget we now have perks which slow down time. Especially the marksman perks combined with a high sneak skill can feel like VATS.. so ... the answer remains no.... (btw they would have to add action points and how would you want to level those )
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:17 pm

That would actually be pretty bad-ass. When the C.K. comes out, I think I know what I'm gonna make! :)
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:50 pm

I like V.A.T.S.... only in Fallout...
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:38 am

surely it would make sense for an archer to shoot the knee, thus crippling the enemy so that you can kite around more effectively?

With regards to making it easier... really? You don't NEED VATS to make it easy. Any one of the exploits current available can do the same.

lastly, this is, iirc, mainly a rpg. Not a FPS where motor skills and hand eye coordination is critical. VATS will help those who want to play rpg, and not fantasy FPS. We have WOW for that.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:00 am

I voted no because it's not a TES thing, but a Fallout thing.

With that said, I would like something like it. Just like in Fallout, it's OPTIONAL, so for those who like it can use it. Thos who do not like it, do not need to use it. I like it because it adds a Turn Based to the combat wich I like alot. (What must the CoD players be thinking now :P LOL).

Yes it would be nice to target a leg or arm like in Fallout, but the thing is, in Skyrim, I don't think the AI gets effected with limb shots, at least I haven't noticed it so far. Would be nice to be able to take a leg shot on a Sabertooth cat and be able to run away insteade of getting mauled most of the time. Same for a giant or Dragon. Shoot the leg so a giant can't move so fast or a dragon wing so he can't fly off then.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:56 pm

Since when was Vault tech in TES?
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:27 pm

And make stealth archers the most godly beings in existance?

Oh hell no.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:36 am

People hear vats, they automatically assume shooting. In the case of Skyrim, archery. The problem with vats in the FO games was that it svcked for melee. You could pick what body parts to shoot but you couldn't pick what body parts to swing the bat at? At least with FO NV they had different melee moves to make it a little more interesting.

Also, who said anything about action points? As someone already said, it would use stamina. It would also benefit all class builds so I really don't get the whole "sneak archers would be godly" because to be perfectly honest, I play one and I feel pretty damn godly at times. Until I am tossed into a situation where I am stepping toe to toe then not so much at all. It comes from the fact that the AI is stupid and predictable. You shoot and miss, they go where the arrow hit. You hit one and they come to where they think the shot comes from so if you relocate before they get there...You kill one and the other just goes to the body and looks around. So long as you are not "detected" then your shots will get the sneak attack multiplier. Even with the eye partially open.

Also the vats in FO seemed to slow down time (a matter of perception as it really increased the characters reflexes/metabolism/etc.) but it doesn't have to do that. Already melee/shield is said to be the strongest setup, imagine jumping down behind three enemies, you shield bash the one on your left, and swing at the guy in front. The guy on your right hits you, you take another swing at the guy in front and proc a decap. You shield bash the guy on the left again, swing twice at the guy on the right, (since you performed a "vats" against 3 guys it treats them as a single entity hp wise so once the combined hp remaining drops below a % you can possibly perform a vats finisher) you grab the guy on the left, swing him around in time to use him as a shield, his buddy slices him dead instead of you, you toss him aside and run your blade through the last guy's torso.

If they showed a video of that in some pre-release trailer...people here would be all over it, drooling on their keyboards.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:04 pm

i wish i could force a kill animation, but i do not want vats... tbh vats was pretty lame
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:14 pm

It would be pointless since without locational damage.

It might make archery and magic better, but I don't see it working very well with melee.

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