This game has stealth and lock picking, it must be a Thief clone...
This game lets you get married and buy houses, it must be a Fable clone...
If people had their request for a "hardcoe mode" as seen in FO NV then with the need to eat, drink and sleep paired with getting married and buy a house to live in, then that would make it a Sims clone...
Get real, importing a strong point of other games doesn't mean it's a clone of that game.
Now, I would've liked hit location to matter. I've even made a suggestion on it before the game even came out..
Head: dmg x2
Torso: dmg x1
Legs: dmg x.75
arms: dmg x.5
Of course a system like vats in a game like TES would mean that using melee in vats should allow you to pick different body parts and not treat the entire body as one as done in the FO games.
The npcs and player can then be subject to disabilities like a crippled leg that will slow you down (good tactic for ranged would be to crit on the legs and try to take them out first) or cripple the off hand to make the enemy drop their shield or off hand weapon or be unable to use a bow. Cripple the main hand to prevent power attacks or the head to prevent casting.
It definitely provides an increased level of depth to the combat system. Mind you that it is slightly better than Oblivion's Block, swing, swing, block, swing, swing, repeat til dead (you or them).
Bethesda isn't ripping off crap from those games, although they did add the useless marriage to the game.
We already have perks like Fallout 3, and lockpicking like Fallout 3. They didn't even try to make them different, just use the same exact crap from that game. TES is SUPPOSED to be unique, not ripping off crap from other games because you think they are "Cool".
VATS isn't needed, it isn't wanted and Bethesda will still put it in TES VI most likely.