Wishlist: Improvements and Suggestions for General Gameplay

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:11 pm

Since I couldn't find a thread for one, I'll make a list, try to keep it current, if any of you want to join in to make some suggestions which would improve the general gameplay.

I can only speak for the 360 version, so I would appreciate it, if you would state your platform in the post.

Also, this is not a bug thread, so please no: "That thing wasn`t there so I can't do what I want to do so fix that right NOW!" posts, there a other places for that.
This here thread should be for things like... well, like this:

I hope for:

- Ability to sell horses.

- Ability to hitch horses and make them stay in that place safely until you go get them.

- Ability to choose whether you want to fast-travel with your horse or without your horse.

- Ability to choose which equipment a follower equips and which he just carries for you.

- Ability to choose a combat preference for your follower: Ranged Combat, Close Combat, Support (which would include healing you and/or conjuring more help etc.), Defend.

- Equipment type separations for chests/containers like there are in the Inventory.

- Equipment type separations for Favorites when pressing up/down on D-Pad (Weapons, Apparel, Magic, Potions, Misc).

- Scrolling up when at the top of a list, you will jump to the bottom of the list and continue scrolling.

- Ability to use contents of the Apothecary's Satchel on your own Alchemy Lab in your home without having to pick them up/ have them in your inventory.
Actually, there should be containers like that on or next to every player-owned Equipment Creation Device (Lab, Enchanter, Forge, Smelter, Workbench, Whetstone) whose contents you can use in the respective Equipment Creation Device without needing to have them in your inventory.

- Ability to "Store ALL" contents of a specific type (Ingredients, Books, etc.) in a container.

- Total Weight Indicator of each Item Type Category in my Inventory (Total Weight of of Potions, Total Weight of Weapons etc.)

- Ability to move/transfer all the contents in containers of one house to another house by hiring a carriage/transporter. The carriage should have no limit on equipment load, so if you want to move you don't have to carry all the stuff and make 100 trips back and forth because you can't carry it all at once.

- Ability to transfer your Housecarl to another house.

- Make Archmage quarters, once you are the Archmage, into a "House", to which you can transfer all your houses' containers' contents and your housecarl to. Same goes for all quest-earned quarters.

- Ability to Fast-Travel to and from any house you own or any quarters you earn through quests (Archmage's Quarters etc.). That would really cut down on loading times when dumping stuff to ease the inventory.

Ability to see what are your companion's best skills (for example: I've seen 3 Mage companions but they all had different playstyles) so you can choose which suits you the most.

Arrow category instead of putting them into the weapons list?

-Improve magic so it doesn't svck. At later levels it is a waste to even use.

-romance could be improve and several candidates were just not accessible and others didn't notice the amulet of mara (which I think is actually a bug come to think of it).

-the ability to further upgrade weapons or upgrade them in certain areas like speed and damage and weight.

-The ability to further enchant something multiple times with the same enchantment to boost effects to the level they are found in the dungeons but with a limit. This should require specific soul qualities to do.

-the ability to buy or better invest in businesses

-add more speech options. Several quests should have been resolvable with them (one main quest and one side quest that you get after the main quest involving killing a certain dragon come specifically to mind on this issue)

-improve shouts their effects even at full strength are pathetic and their cool down too long. Ether improve their strenghth or lesson their cooldown. What I'm after here is an advantage ether in speed or power as it stands our shouts with a few exceptions have neither.

-improve weapon proficiency for later levels or nerf down the enemies so they aren't doing 100+ damage with weapons that they could never even maxed out skill tree ever do 100+ damage with.

-add more business opportunities like investing in a mine or owning your own mine or partnerships

-more things to spend gold on outside training. Basically give me a gold sink but one that is worth it.

-have npcs understand when they are collateral damage in an enemy dragon assault

-Make remove all button different than deposit for storage to prevent accidental removing all items from a box.

-more spells

-Make dead servants use weapons they are carrying and be as proficient as they were in life instead of utterly and completely useless.

-respawn shadowmare when it dies, it is a paranormal horse come on!

Combine the satchel and alchemy tables.
But atleast 1 ot two storage chest next to enchanter in your home. Cough cough solitude.


Why can't I get a resting sleep bonus as a werewolf? Its
the most likely first quest line someone will do. YOUR PRACTICALLY LEAD TO IT. Now I have to go threw the whole quest line to cure myself so I can level faster and if I want to wolf up later hopefully I can find a werewolf in the silver hand dungeons later and hopefully I actually contract the disease and don't get boned by some glitch that stops me.

Why not a whistle to call your horse? It doesn't have to come galloping from nowhere like Epona, just start going over to you. Often I'll get off mine to fight something, like a dragon and I have no idea where I left my horse and it can be difficult to find. If it would come to ME however....

also, this:


- Ability to install one Altar in your house (maybe as part/reward of a Quest (DLC?)).

Add Spell/Weapon BOOKMARKS!

Hold D-Pad left and HOLD another button to bookmark, then simply hold left and TAP that same button to access bookmark.

For example, hold D-Pad left and then HOLD any other button (ie. A B X Y RB LB RT LT) and YOUR CURRENT left & right hand set up (torch/spell/weapons) will be assigned to that bookmark (ie. "Healing+Axe was assgined to bookmark Y"). To access this set up again simply hold D-Pad left and TAP the same button (Y).

This idea can co-exist with current D-Pad left/right hotkeys (only taps). This can be implemented in PS3 and 360. On PC bookmarks can use number keys or F-keys. You can store 8 left hand / right hand combinations to any button. 8 combinations more could be added to Right D-Pad. Access a bookmark to see what you have on it. If you no longer have a weapon, disable the bookmark.

You don't need any new menus / icons / costly development for this, simply display a text like "Flames+Sword was assigned to bookmark A" when the user made a new bookmark. Novice users could simply ignore this feature (most don't even know hotkeys exist!). Advanced users would get instant access to an awful lot of presets!

- I would go one step further (and then one to the side and add a little twist) and lobby for loadout hotkeys, the ability to use the D-Pad hotkeys to label not only one item, but one item of any item slot (left hand, right hand, head, neck, body, arms, rings, boots). One button and you can switch between Mage and Warrior. Instantly.

Are they going to patch some stability in this new patch coming out?

I just froze on my 360 4 times in an hour. I cleared the cache twice, uninstalled a bunch of old stuff from the HD and uninstalled the game and running it strictly from the disc now. Hoping it helps with the freeze ups a little. It seems the more you play and do things in game, the tighter it stiffens up. This has always happened with the TES games IMO.

- This kinda borders on a bug-report, but I'll let it pass. Once ;)

- Ability to rename a Stray Dog and when you tell it to go home, you will get a list of places to send it. Owned houses will obviously be first on the list.

Continued further down due to forum restrictions (sorry).
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adam holden
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:15 pm

These are all great suggestions! I had some but you listed what I had in mind so for now I'm giving a free bump while I think of something else. :celebration:

Thought of one:

Ability to see what are your companion's best skills (for example: I've seen 3 Mage companions but they all had different playstyles) so you can choose which suits you the most.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:54 am

Could you add to your list

Arrow category instead of putting them into the weapons list?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:27 am

Updates FP :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:37 pm

One more:

- Ability to install one Altar in your house (maybe as part/reward of a Quest (DLC?)).

And the update to the FP
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:39 am

More updates to the FP.
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Jason White
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:15 pm

Continued from FP / More in FP

Ability to see companion's skills (ie light armor, heavy armor etc) so you know what to give them for equipment
Ability to yell at your companion "Get the hell out of the way, I am throwing fireballs here!"
Ability to choose Passive, Defensive and Aggressive for companion. Passive won't attack unless attacked personally, Defensive attacks anything that attacks player or companion. Aggressive, attacks anything in sight (current style).
Option to enable "Retreat if near death" instead of toughing it out.
Ability for companion to use potions and scrolls you give them with an option to tell them NOT to use them (ie just haul them around)

Categories in ALL containers (like vendors have) like for Chests, Barrels, Satchels etc. This would make multipurpose containers out of those generic dressers/trunks.

Storage for misc gear in Riften house basemant (Soul Gems, jewelery etc).
Satchel on ALL alchemy stations in houses (including ArchMage's room) like the one in Breezehome.

Some form of recognition for DisEnchanted enchants to know what sorts of items they can go on. Its a total PITA to DE a set of boots for a spell only to find out it only fits on boots and can't be put on jewelery or a helm and I would rather sell the boots instead.

Some way to see your enchantments outside an enchant station. PITA running to an enchant station only to find out you already have all the spells you have items for and then having to truck them to a vendor. A tab in Magic<-- menu would suffice.

Some form of swimming breath meter. Right now, you have no clue about your breath and when any swim potion wears off and your breath is now running down.

Put ingredients in the game for "Nighteye", "Detect Life", "Detect Enchantment"

Levitation. Missed it since Morrowind. Its time for a return. Seriously. Enough said.

Honestly, I don't like the new enchant system at all. I much preferred the Morrowind/Oblivion style where you could enchant an item with any spell you knew.

I MUCH preferred the buy/sell mechanism of Morrowind where you would mark items to buy, mark items to sell and then commit to the transaction.

The D-pad needs improving. Press left and right for two favorites is limited at best. Maybe press and hold left and right to select more than 2 or just tap to toggle between two. Enable 8 way programming instead of just 4. If we could use NE, E, SE, SW, W and NW positions each with 2 spells assigned.

- Realistic movement for horses, feels like I'm riding a wooden horse.
- Cast spells and fight from horseback, or at least a faster dismount for combat situations. I shouldn't have to get off the horse just to cast clairvoyance or nearly get killed while dismounting. It makes riding/owning a horse pointless (this was brought up in the oblivion forum also)
- Option to put pack saddles on your horse.. it is after all a beast of burden.. id rather that than a horse armour pack.
- Ability to lock onto a target when casting ranged spells, the enemy seem to be able to do this so why not me? (don't want it for archery though)
- I know there have been a lot of favourite ideas but i have another one..
Either.. up/down = spells+powers. left/right=weapons+accessories...
Or... up/down = as it is. left=(command companion)stay/follow. right=(command companion)action
- Faster basic magic regen.. or higher starting amount.. or lower spell cost.. as it makes being a dedicated mage tiresome/boring when you have to drink potions every two seconds.. try maintaining a powerful ward while throwing ranged spells like basic enemy can.
- Using enchanted staffs should add a tiny bit to enchanting - currently makes wielding a staff undesirable (even though there are some really cool ones) except in an emergency, though even then id rather tough it out for ages picking away at an enemy so it adds to my skills.
- Cooking/eating food should add a bit to alchemy, after all it is ingredients too.. makes cooking pointless as the reward is not worth the bother. I do really like the concept though and think it is a good addition.. always wondered what was the point in all the food in TES 3&4.
- Ability to have up to three or maybe even five companions.

favorites list needs to be expanded. let you separate stuff onto different directions, either automatically have weapons on one, apparel on another, etc. or let you say what goes where so you could easily equip your sneaky set of armor, then go back to your dragon pwning set without going to journal.

and maybe a way to refund your perks so you can change stuff up.

More to come, please contribute if you want to.
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