I have a problem I need a bit of help with. I want to try a witch hunter but I always end up putting melee into the builds I come up with. I always disliked having minions attack my enemies unless I am a mage. I have a few ideas for skills but need help on the build itself:
Archery: The primary damage tool, it is important. No crit on it though.
Alteration: Need protection, just in case I get into trouble.
Sneak: Obvious.
unsure of:
conjuration: Why? If I am a sneaky jerk, why would I need allies? and why waste magicka on Bound weapons when the normal ones are just as good?
Restoration: Healing? The first spell does well with potions and sneak should protect me much better than healing.
Alchemy and enchanting: Seems odd to me.
The idea is I wanted to build a character that was good in a fight with mages while having some support magic/anti-mage defenses. any help would be appreciated.