Just curious if yt resolution of 1080p is enough for upcoming demo-footage. I would have made a poll but there are way to many possibilities, even with multi-monitor systems? I will Play on 1920x1200!
My monitor is still the same 1400x900 from my old PC because I am still waiting for the new Blu-Ray compatible 3d monitors. All existing 3D monitors still at least need a software hack to play 3D blu-rays last I heard.
1280x1024 on my crap monitor, sometimes I'll play at my 40' Bravia TV (Full HD baby)! I don't know if my computer can handle on 1080p, because I'm using ATI HD4850 512Mb GDDR3.
1366x768, my laptop screen resolution. I may try it in my 1080 tv... if my PC can hadle it. In fact, you can try with lower resolutions. It will look like almost the same with all the post processing effects.