
Post » Fri May 20, 2011 4:53 am

Witchcraft v1.1

Tired of always being attacked by animals while you are trekking through Cyrodiil? Have you always wanted to summon wolves or bears to fight for you, instead of those foul daedra and smelly undead? Have you ever wanted to play a character who was a shaman/druid/witch, that is a protector of the natural world? Then this mod is for you.

This mod Requires the Shivering Isles expansion, as it uses some of the magic effects for summoning SI creatures.

Witchcraft adds the ability to conjure the following animals: Wolves, Timber Wolves, Boars, Lions, Black Bears, Grizzly Bears,and Spriggans. This is by both spells and scrolls. If you start the game with Conjuration as a Major skill, Summon Wolf will be one of your starting spells. The mod also provides new Bound Armor and Weapon spells, coming in three grades of power. The first is equivalent to leather armor and iron mace, the second to elven armor/mace, and the third to glass.

You will find that natural forest predators (wolves, lions, bears, etc...) will not attack you. However magical creatures such as imps, trolls, etc... are still hostile. So are quest-related predators, such as the Shadrock bears or Aleswell animals. You will also find that deer will not flee from you.

There is a new NPC named Morcant who lives east of Belda. You will start the game with the location of her cottage marked on your map. She sells the summon scrolls and teaches all the spells. She also has two spell tomes for sale that will teach you to spellmaking and enchantment. Among her other books is The Witches of Cyrodiil, which explains what Cyrodiilic Witchcraft is all about. She is also a conjuration trainer, magic item recharger, and sells alchemy ingredients.

There is a hollow tree stump added to the exit of the Imperial Prison Sewer, just to the left after you step outside. Within you will find a Summon Wolf Spell Tome (this is for people who do not want to take Conjuration as a major, but still want to be able to start summoning animals from the start).

Finally it modifies the Witch class and makes it playable.

If you go to the Shivering Isles, you will find that some of the creatures there can no longer be summoned. The creatures affected are: Voracious Hunger, Replete Shambles, Mangled Flesh Atronach, Torn Flesh Atronach, Stitched Flesh Atronach, and Sewn Flesh Atronach. The spells to summon the fist two have been tweaked to summon the next most powerful version of Hunger or Shambles. The Flesh Atronach summoning spells have been tweaked to summon one of two new versions of Flesh Atronach, regular and Greater. So there is negligible impact on SI playability.

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36623, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/36623-2-1295055978.jpg

Simply copy the contents of the data file to your Oblivion\data folder. When you start Oblivion, select the Witchcraft mod.




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Susan Elizabeth
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Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:35 pm

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