Nice! did it come with the Witcher dice?
Can you play it IRL?
Got something better: Log attack!
First of all: Logos, age ratings and stuff are on a separate piece of paper.
Artbook is of very good print quality, hardcover, lots of dev texts. Nice.
Three stickers. Meh.
Geralt's head. I think this one has gotten the lesser super-power and doesn't attract women, but instead tons of fluff from its packaging. Which ends up on my hands when I touch the bust. Other than that - really pretty. About the length of my hand and in plaster.
Neeext... Dice. Yup, the dice are in. Good quality here, too. I think I have a a bunch of new 1d6 here. ^_^
Last in the big packaging, three pages for a paper doll monster. The directions seem somewhat weird... Anyway, papercraft.
The game pack seems to be the exact same as the premium version, which is what you get as the normal version right now. Contains... Papercraft doll of Geralt. Paperdoll fights!
Game guide. Uninteresting to me. Sadly it's in German, which I will likely not play the game in. Whatever. Seems very thorough though.
Something dropped from the desk. It's a tiny coin. Not bigger than five Euro cent. Also pretty.
Map of not exactly big proportions. Will still end up next to the others on my wall.
A defamatory letter against a certain King Henselt. Well, certainly atmospheric.
Two DVD packs. One of the Making Of DVD and the soundtrack, and the other of the game itself, which I will not install until Tuesday. I know that I'll get totally freaky about that game icon and constantly check whether the activation servers might already be online.
So, that's it. Huge chest of wonders. And I like huge chests. ^_^
How did you get it so early? :cold:
Female charm. :hubbahubba:
Nah, I have a friend who works at a small game store who can supply me early. They even had the game yesterday, but didn't register it with the sales data until this evening. ^_^