anyway. we've digressed really bad here.. so umm yeah... I'm gonna try and re-rail this train wreck and see if we can get it moving again. now what if the nif file format and model formats change, wouldn't we have to wait for a new nifscape and such to come out, hopefully 3ds max 2011 can open it though, I have a copy at least, and several devs came forth and basically said the changes are minor at best. The biggest change is a more efficient baked havok physics meshes, but the game engine should still be able to read the less advanced ones we can make. Hopefully, NIFSkope and the Max plugins won't act up.
Also... AFAIK, there is no specific NifTools plugin for 'Max 2011. I've heard that the 2010 plugin may work after some tweeking, though. There hasn't been a Max plugin developer for over a year now...