Quasi Duel Wielding you could equip 2 1 hand weapons but not use them at the same time -> very disappointing !!! and worthless overall.
Quest givers that knew less about the locations they were sending you do then some random barmaid !! boring and stupid no thanks not again, it seemed about 70-80% of all the quests were of this type, then there was the fact that to find most of the quest locations you had no choice but to use the fast travel find system as the quest giver nor any npc's would give you ANY information about where to start looking for said locations -> this systems was vastly worse then Morrowinds quests that sent you after the 5th rock on the 3rd path going north by north-west looking for the furry netch hover over a pond you needed to jump into to find that super secret cave only this one npc knows about and was to lazy to mark on your map even though he knows EXACTLY WHERE it is -> no thanks on both accounts.
Overly large world spaces with next to no reason to give a damn about them or ever explore them as there was next to nothing to find.
The ANNOYING I have Cerebral Palsy Combat.
The Unbelievably poor Magic Combat ! Seriously 3 buttons to chose and cast and 2 just to recast a spell who though that was a good idea ?!? it was tedious.
Not saying that DF was the worst game I ever played but its by far not the best TES game hell If I had to rate DF it would only be one step above Arena and Arena is only one step above ET for the Atari as the worst game ever created.
There are so many parts of those games I just found tedious or beyond annoying even for their times that was so unforgivable I refused to buy another TES game it was not until I got Morrowind for free with a video card I was buying that I gave the series another try and since bought Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Oblivion, SI and FO3 as day one games because of how good MW was vs the horrid games that were Arena and DF.
Including to places you have never been to and it was required to use as the game world was so so so large it would take a week (real time) to get to even one place without it, and also it was required to search for locations for quests as quite a few did not give any directions just a location and the only way to find it was with the Fast Travel Find System.
You can not except or even want the Dev's to look at mods and go this was popular we need this because in that case my http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10819 mod would herald in the age of the Dragon Mount which would suit me just fine -> it would also suit me to have this feature just to piss off the annoying Loremongering, Cannon Spewing idiots around here.

Obviously you prefered the very small scale of Morrowind, with mountains and hordes of cliffracers trying to make the world look bigger, to the huge but generated world of Daggerfall. A respected opinion. That doesn't make it more right than those who liked Daggerfall's approach though. I won't go to the combat comparison. Daggerfall's seemed the more engaging one to me, but that doesn't make any of them any good by today's standards anyway. Oblivion, with all its faults, was miles ahead from both of them in that department. Just as is should be.